Wonderful Taiwan (2023-24) - 7 Days

7D6N Wonderful Taiwan (Tour Code: WLQ-2)
7天6晚 台湾风采之旅

Price Per PersonFrom RM 3,588
Additional Charge RM 450/pax for Foreigner / Non-chinese (Malay / India)

Download Itinerary     行程下载

Guaranteed Departure 铁定出发:
2023: Oct 23,28 | Nov 11,18 | Dec 9,16,19,23
2024: Feb 24

Selling Fast 即将成团:
2023: Dec 30
2024: Jan 13 | Feb 28 | Mar 16,18

Other Departure Dates 其它出发日期:
2023: Oct 30 | Nov 6,25,27
2024: Jan 1,8,15,22,27,29 | Feb 16 | Mar 2,4,11,25 | Apr 10,13,27 | May 11,22 | Jun 1,15

Tour Highlights 行程亮点

  • Badouzi Railway Station+Chaojing Park, Jiu Fen Old Street, Jingtong Station (Railway Museum, Japanese Post Era, Ancient Coal Car, Jingtong Mining Musuem), Sky Lantern DIY + Park Tour at Toucheng Leisure Farm, Jimmy Park, The Moster Village, Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area, Zhongshe Flower Market, XiMenDing, Banqiao 435 Art Zone, Taipei 101.
    八斗子车站+潮境公园、九份老街、菁桐木造火车站、头城农场 (天灯DIY+园区导览)、几米广场、妖怪村、日月潭风景区、 中社观光花市、西门町、板桥435艺术特区、台北101

ENJOY YOUR TAIWAN SNACK FOOD at Taoyuan Night Market(Taoyuan), Fengchia Night Market(Taichung) & Shilin Night Market (Taipei).

Special Arrangement 特别安排:

  • 2 nights stay at 5★Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel or Grand Hyatt Hotel
    2晚入住台北 国际5★酒店喜来登或君悦酒店

Special Gourmet 特色美食:

  • Farm BBQ Dinner, Sun Moon Lake Urn Chicken Flavor, Old Taiwan Style Cuisine, Chiba Hot Pot, Hai Pa Wang Taiwanese Cuisine

4 Shopping Stop 全程将进4购物站:
✓ Aboriginal Local Products 山地特产中心
✓ Tea House 茶艺馆
✓ Pi Xiu Tianlu Museum 貔貅展示中心
✓ Pearl Exhibition Centre 珍珠展示中心

For inquiries more details or other Taiwan tour packages, please contact our customer service through the following methods. 欲询问此配套更多详情或更多其他台湾旅游配套详情,敬请透过以下方式联系客服。


Discover Taiwan’s Hidden Gems! Explore a diverse journey through Badouzi Railway Station, Jiu Fen Old Street, Sun Moon Lake, Taipei 101, and more. Dive into Taiwan’s rich culture and breathtaking landscapes.



Day 1
Departure 启程 ✈ Taoyuan 桃园 (MOB 机上用餐)

Tao Yuan Night Market

Day 2
Taoyuan 桃园 - Keelung 基隆 - Yilan 宜兰 (B 早/-/D 晚餐)

Badouzi Railway Station + Chaojing Park

Jiu Fen Old Street

Jing Tong Old Street + Jingtong Wooden Train Station – the busiest old street of Jingtong is at the exit of the Jingtong Station. It has become a trend in the Jingotng area to write prayers on bamboos and hang them next to the railway. Somehow, this became a feature of the Old Street.

Toucheng Leisure Farm(Sky Lantern DIY + Park Tour) – is located at Toucheng Township in Yilan County. It covered about 120-hectare of land, can enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings and experience the agricultural lifestyle in a relaxed way.



菁桐老街 + 菁桐木造火车站(铁路博物馆,日据时代邮筒,古老煤车,菁桐矿业馆) – 菁桐最繁华的老街就在菁桐车站出口处。车站旁有座小小的古朴凉亭,游客们可以在一旁的铁道故事馆买竹筒,将心愿写于祈愿竹筒上,挂在凉亭。

头城休闲农场(体验祈福天灯DIY+园区导览) – 位于宜兰县头城乡,占地约120公顷。 可以享受优美的自然环境,以轻松的方式体验农业生活方式。

Day 3
Yilan 宜兰 - Xi Tou 溪头 (B 早/L 午/D 晚餐)

Jimmy Stary Stary Night Train – located at the south side of Yilan Railway Station, Jimmy Park. It has a giant steel tree that covers the sky and a flying train. Trains are so beautiful that ppl unconsciously fall into the desire to travel.

Yilan Railway Stations – combined with the actual situation at the oldstation. In front of the station, a giraffe with nearly two stories built. The cuteappearance makes people come to Yilan Station, and will never forget to take a photo.

Yaokaoshanzhan Village

Agrioz Candied Fruits Museum

The Monster Village(Monster Grocery Shop, Drum, Monster PostBox) – is a Japanese -style building district. Japanese style architecture plus cute monster peculiar shapewear kimono dolls with the clerk, who deep in the middle of the Japan streets.

几米星空列车 – 位于宜兰火车站南侧的几米公园,拥有遮天的钢构巨树,悬空的几米星空飞天列车,划破天际。星空列车打造的唯妙唯肖,让人不自觉地掉进了旅行的渴望中。

长颈鹿车站 – 将在地老车站结合绘本实境,车站前特别还打造出将近2层楼高的长颈鹿。俏皮可爱的模样让人来到宜兰站,绝对不会忘记要合影纪念一番。



松林町妖怪村(妖怪杂铺+平安鼓+妖怪邮筒) – 是一处日式风味建筑的商圈。吉祥物有枯麻、八豆和山妖阿傻与布鲁。两层楼的木造建筑更增设3间不同风格的茶馆。

Day 4
Xi Tou 溪头 - Taichung 台中(B 早/L 午餐/-)

Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area – it is the largest freshwater lake in Taiwan. The Sun Moon Lake is bounded by Lalu Island. The east and west sides are named after “Sun Wheel” and “Moon Hook”. It is the reputation of eight scenic spots in Taiwan for over 100 years.

Xiangshang Visitor Center

Wen Wu Temple

King Garden(3D Checkerboard Canyon, Times Wheel, Ferris Wheel)

FengChia Night Market

日月潭风景区+向山游客中心眺望平台 – 是全台最大的淡水湖泊,日月潭是以拉鲁岛为界,东、西两侧因形似「日轮」和「月钩」因而得名,百年来享有台湾八景的美誉。




Day 5
Taichung 台中 - Taipei 台北 (B 早/L 午餐/-)

ZhongShe Flower Garden – In Hout is a great place for floral lovers. The European-style gardens and sea of flowers that vary at the change of seasons are frequently visited by wedding picture photographers especially.

Linkou Mistsui Outlet Park

XiMenDing – Ximending has been called the “Harajuku of Taipei” and the “shibuya of Taipei”. Ximending is the source of Taiwan’s fashion, subculturem, and Japanese culture.

中社观光花市 – 座落在后里往山义的台13线公路旁,占地广达六公顷,是难得一见的大型休闲、观光花卉农场,因地理位置的特殊,造就了花卉的天堂、芯卉的国度,它将原本平凡无奇的世界添上了美丽的色彩。


西门町商圈 – 西门町现在被称为台北的“原宿”,除了有日文杂志专卖店外,各种日本的书籍、唱片、服饰等,几乎都同步流行,是所谓“哈日族”的天堂。

Day 6
Taipei 台北 (B 早/L 午餐/-)

Banqiao 435 Art Zone (Rainbow Umbrella Sky, Mural, Toy Musuem *Included Ticket)

Taipei 101 Shopping Mall – Taipei 101 is the tallest building in Taiwan, with a mega five-story shopping mall and occupying seven floors of the Financial Centre is the Taiwan stock exchange. You can also take the quick lift to 89th floor observatory (by own expenses).

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

Shihlin Night Market – Considered to be the largest and most famous night
market in the city Great place of local handicrafts, clothes, toys, tasty local
snacks and souvenirs.


台北101购物中心(观景台自费) – 里面有豪华高级大型购物中心,游客可自费搭全世界快递电梯抵达89楼欣赏台北景观。


士林夜市 – 是台北市大规模的观光夜市,因邻近学区拥有众多年轻族群客层,加上捷运站及公车交通便利而成为具有指标性的夜市。士林夜市拥有众多小吃美食,像是士林大香肠、蚵仔煎、臭豆腐、冰品及大饼包小饼等。

Day 7
Taipei 台北 ✈ Departure 回程 (B 早/MOB 机上用餐)

Package Includes 配套包括:

  • Return economy class flight ticket 往返经济舱机票
  • 6 Nights at hotel accommodation. 6晚酒店住宿
  • Meals stated as per itinerary 行程中列明餐食
  • Malaysia departure levy, airport tax, YQ fuel 马来西亚出境税、机场税、燃油附加费
  • Return airport transfer 往返机场接送
  • All excursions and sightseeing as per itinerary 行程中包括的所有观光活动和景点参观
  • Gratuity 小费
  • Travel Insurance 旅游保险
  • Tour Guide Service 导游服务

Package Excludes 配套不包括:

  • Meals no state in itinerary. 行程中行程没有列明的午、晚餐
  • Hotel porter gratuity. 酒店行李员小费
  • Fuel surcharge subject to change (shall collect the difference if airline increases the charges). 燃油附加费可能会有变动(如航空公司加价,则收取差额)。
  • Others personal expenditure are not mention in itinerary. 所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支。
  • Additional Charge RM 450/pax for Foreigner / Non-chinese (Malay / India). 外国人/非华人(马来人/印度)额外收费 RM 450/人。

Hotel Accommodation 酒店住宿 (6 Nights 晚)

  • TAOYUAN: 4★ Century Hotel x 1 Night
    桃园: 4★ 蜜月世纪酒店 x 1晚
  • YILAN: 4★ Toucheng Leisure Farm x 1 Night
    宜兰: 4★头城休闲农场 x 1晚
  • XITOU: 4★ Monster Village Theme Hotel x 1 Night
    溪头: 4★ 妖怪村主题酒店 x 1晚
  • TAICHUNG: 4★ Stay Hotel or Similar Class x 1 Night
    台中: 4★ 星漾商旅 或同级 x 1晚
  • TAIPEI: 5★ Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel OR Grand Hyatt Hotel x 2 Nights
    台北:国际5★酒店喜来登 或 君悦酒店 x 2晚

Remarks 备注:

  • Fuel surcharge subject to change (shall collect the difference if airline increases the charges).
  • There will be no refund or replacement if the tour logistic is affected by the above issue. All pictures are for illustration purposes only.
  • With the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, some attractions, restaurants, hotels, etc. might be closed at the time of departure and shall be replaced by others without prior notice.

7D6N Wonderful Taiwan 台湾风采之旅

Currency & Exchange Rate 货币兑换率

100 TWD = MYR 14
100 新台币 = 马币 14

Voltage & Power Socket 电压与插座

● Voltage 电压 – almost always 110 V 伏特
● *Please bring a universal electric plug adapter 请自带多功能插座

类型 / Type A – 两脚扁型插头 / 2 flat blade pin
类型 / Type C – 两个圆脚插头 / 2 round pin
类型 / Type I – 八字扁型脚+接地孔 / 3 Oblique flat blade pin “V-Shape

Time Different 时差

Taiwan (Taipei) – No time different with Malaysia
台湾(台北) 时间与马来西亚时间标准时无相差

Luggage Allowance 行李托运

Each individual are entitled to check in 1 luggage of not more than 20 kg and a hand carry bag not more than 7 kg.

Weather 气候

● Spring 春季(3月 – 5月 Mar to May):5℃ – 24℃
● Summer 夏季(6月 – 8月 Jun to Aug):20℃ – 32℃
● Autumn 秋季(9月 – 11月 Sep to Nov):27℃ – 9℃
● Winter 冬季(12月 – 2月 Dec to Feb):11℃ – 0℃

*Subject to weather of the day*

Aircraft Type 飞机型号

● Boeing 777
● A330

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Wonderful Taiwan (2023-24)

Contact Info

(1205544-W)(KPK/LN 8508)
No.78-01 (First Floor),
Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana,
81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]