Mango Vacations position ourselves as one-stop Internet travel information reference gateway and reservation for Malaysia.
Address : No.78-01 (First Floor), Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1, Taman Sierra Perdana, 81750 Masai, Johor.
Your trustworthy travel planner
Tell us about your trip requirement. We'll work together to customize your trip to meet your exact requirement so that you have a memorable trip.
We don't add hidden extras cost. All trips include travel permit, lodging and fooding. There are no surprises with hidden costs.
Mango Vacations position ourselves as one-stop Internet travel information reference gateway and reservation for Malaysia.
Address : No.78-01 (First Floor), Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1, Taman Sierra Perdana, 81750 Masai, Johor.