Nepal + Bhutan - 8 Days

8D7N Nepal + Bhutan (FITNB)
8天7晚 尼泊尔 + 不丹

2 to go(2人出发)Per person all in 每人全包:

  • Low Season(淡季): RM 10,468.00 ; Peak Season(旺季): RM 11,068.00

4 to go(4人出发) Per person all in 每人全包:

  • Low Season(淡季): RM 9,868.00 ; Peak Season(旺季): RM 10,468.00

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Tour Highlights 行程亮点:
(Click below name to view tour highlights 点击下面地名可浏览行程亮点)

Gourmets 特色料理:
  • Red Rice 红米饭
  • Chillies Cheese 辣椒奶酪
  • Bhutanese Cuisine 不丹有机美食
  • Traditional Nepali Cuisine 尼泊尔传统美食
  • Momo (Dumpling) 饺子

For booking this tour package, you can use the below method to contact with our sales representative, we’ll serve you in a short while.


Bhutan is a small landlocked country in South Asia which located in Eastern Himalayas with bordered by Tibetan Autonomous Region of China (North), Sikkim India and Chumbi Valley Tibet (West), Arunachal Pradesh (East), Assam and West Bengal (South). Thimpu is the largest capital city of Bhutan. (1)

Bhutan also known as Kingdom of Bhutan or “The Last Shangrila” which is a tiny and remote kingdom nestling in the Himalayas between India and China. It also is the only Vajrayana Buddhist nation and profound teaching of traditional Buddhist culture in the world. The Butanese name for Bhutan “Druk Yul” means “The Land of the Thunder Dragon” in year 1970. (2)

Nepal is a landlocked country in Southern Asia which bordered by India (South and East), China (North) and Bangladesh (West). Besides that, Nepal also the home of Himalayas Mountain with 8 of the world 10 highest peaks countries in the world including Mount Everest the tallest mountain peaks in the world on the border with Tibet and Lumbini (the birth place of Gautama Buddha and the founder of Buddhism).  (3)

Nepal also known as Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal in June 2008 with an estimated population of 26.4 million. Nepal also 48th largest country by population and 93rd largest country by area in the worldwide which is 500 miles from east to west and 90 to 150 miles from north to south. The largest capital city of Nepal is Kathmandu. (4)

Day 1
SINGAPORE ✈ KATHMANDU 新加坡 ✈ 加德满都 ( L/D 午/晚餐 )

Depart for Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. Upon arrival, proceed to Patan – the second largest city of the valley.

• Visit to Patan Durbar Square includes Old Royal Palace Golden temple, Mahaboudha Temple known as the Temple of 10000 Buddha and Patan Kumari House, pay visit to Living Goddess Kumari (subject to availability).

• Tonight enjoy Welcome Dinner Local Nepalese Dinner (taste the local rice wine raksi)” with a Nepalse Dance and cultural show.

乘搭客机飞往尼泊尔的首都 – 加德满都

• 抵达后,乘车前往第二大城市-帕坦,参观帕坦古城,游览包括: 皇家宫殿、黄金庙宇、千佛庙及造访帕坦库玛丽住所,亲临现场,虔诚地接受活女神的祝福(视造访时间而定) 。返回加德满都。

• 今晚边享用道地的尼泊尔风餐(品尝当地米酒raksi”)边观赏尼泊尔舞蹈及文化表演

Day 2
KATHMANDU ✈ BHUTAN – PARO – THIMPHU 加德满都 – 不丹 – 帕罗 – 廷布 ( B/L/D 早/午/晚餐 )

Proceed to airport for Flight to Bhutan-Paro. Arrive Paro and head to Thimpu, capital of Bhutan.

• Visit Tashichho Dzong – is a Buddhist monastery and the head of Bhutan’s civil government, an office which has been combined with the kingship since the creation of the monarchy in 1907. View of Parliament House located opposite of Tashichho Dzong.


参观於十三世纪时所建的宏伟的建筑扎西确宗 – 此为不丹国王办公室处及一些政府机关的办公场所,政治与信仰的中心。

Day 3
THIMPHU - PUNAKHA 廷布 – 普那卡 ( B/L/D 早/午/晚餐 )

• To begin with visit Kuensel Phodrang (Buddha Point) – the sitting Buddha statue is 167 feet high and situated on top of a hill overlooking the city of Thimpu.

National Memorial Chorten – is an impressive monument with its golden spires shin-ning in the sun, its bells tinkling in the wind and an endless procession of elderly people circling around it.

• Visit Motithang Takin Preserve (Mini Zoo) – is a wildlife reserve area for Takin, the National Animal of Bhutan.

Traditional Handmade Paper Factory – the paper products are made from a mulberry plant bark called Daphne.

Post Office – you can create personalized postage stamps by your own photo for souvenir or sent home on a postcard (own expenses).

Dochula Pass (3150m) – The pass offers the most spectacular view over the high peaks of the eastern Himalayans.

• Visit Chimi Lhakhang – the auspicious fenil-ity monastery built in 1499, Walk through paddy and mustard fiefs to the temple, which is located on top of a small hill.

• 廷布观光包括:参观不丹大佛 – 高169公尺,位于廷布近郊小山丘上,可俯瞰廷布山谷风光。

参观国家纪念塔 – 为祈求世界和平而建的纪念碑,同时也是一座画了四个眼睛在塔顶端尼泊尔风格的大佛塔,此处成为当地人每日转经饶塔的胜地。

游览塔金动物保护园 – 区园内饲有不丹国兽,拥有羊的头部和牛的身体羚牛(塔金TAKIN也称为四不像)。

参观旧式传统造纸工厂 – 了解人工制作纸张复杂的制造过程与技术。

国家邮政局 – 您可以用个人相片特制世界上独无二邮票为纪念(自费)。续程赶普纳卡。

都楚拉隘口 – (海拔3150公尺),如在天气晴朗下可在这里欣赏到喜马拉雅山壮丽的风景同时还可以欣赏到坐落在此的“108座佛塔”。

游览被不丹人广泛尊崇的“圣人”喇嘛朱卡库拉的寺庙 – 切米拉康,处于不丹中部典型的稻田河谷,此地为求子圣地。

Day 4
PUNAKHA - PARO 普那卡 – 帕罗 ( B/L/D 早/午/晚餐 )

• Morning, visit Punakha Dzong – is located at the confluence of the Pho Chhu (father) and Mo Chhu (mother) rivers in the Punakha Wangdue valley. It is a six-storey structure with a central tower or Utse at an average elevation of 1.200 metres (3,900 flt) with a scenic mountains background. The history of Punakha Dzong is characterised by damage from numerous fires, floods and earthquakes.

Proceed to Paro.

• 今天参观普纳卡宗,是全国最美丽的宗堡与幸福圣殿,位于父亲河与母亲河两河交汇处的龙穴,气势极为雄伟壮观,帝王古都百年激荡。普纳卡宗是不丹重要的佛教胜地。这个宗曾历经多次的大火,洪水及地震的毁坏。

• 前往不丹第二大城市-巴罗

Day 5
PARO 帕罗 ( B/L/D 早/午/晚餐 )

• Highights of today, take a morning bike to Takshang Monastery – Tiger’s Nest

*Notes: (Optional: Pony Rkies own expenses —USD40). The hike up to the viewpoint will take about 1.5 hrs and from there you will enjoy a spectacular view of the monastery clinging to the side of the cliff. The walk further up to the monastery which will take about 1 hr.

• Later visit the Local Farm House to see how Bhutanese farmers Live and have chance to taste the local rice wine “ara”.

Kyichu Lhakang – the first and oldest temple of the Bhutan also famous – Hong Kong actor Tony Leong and Carina Lau wedding ceremony held here.

• Evening, enjoy cultural show with dress up in Bhutanese traditional costume – Gho and Kira, snacks and drinks will be served.

• 令人兴奋的一天,登上举世闻名的虎穴寺,是不丹信徒顶礼膜拜的圣地,并被誉为世界十大寺庙之一。扶播凌驾于高山帕罗峡谷900多米的悬崖壁上。
备注:(可自费骑马美金40元) 骑马登上约1个半小时来到半山的休息站, 在徒步上山1小时才到达克桑寺门口

• 下山后,前往当地农家家访,参观不丹典型的农村建筑物几品尝当地米酒“ara”。

• 参观不丹最古老和最美丽的寺院-祈楚寺, 它是一座双寺庙建筑, 当地人民朝拜的神圣之地。著名香港影星梁朝伟和刘嘉玲曾在此举办羈目的世纪婚礼。

• 今晚穿着不丹传统民族服装及观赏民族歌舞表演(享用当地小吃及饮料)-6人以上。

Day 6
PARO ✈ KATHMANDU > NAGARKOT 帕罗✈ 加德满都 > 那加阔 ( B/L/D 早/午/晚餐 )

• Departs to airport for flight back to Kathmandu. Arrive Kathmandu, visit Boundhanath Stupa – the oldest shrine and pilgrimage place in the world and the centre for Tibetan school of Buddhism.

Pashupatinath Temple – an important pilgrimage place for the devoted Hindus located on the Bagmati River bank where cremation takes place.

Nagarkot – it is rich in its natural beauty and tranquility, a favourite gateway for mountain viewing and spectacular view of sunset and sunrise.

• 乘搭飞机飞返加德满都。抵达后,参观世界最古老的佛教学府之一的布特勒佛塔。

• 接着参观帕苏帕提拿寺,这地方是兴都教徒重要的朝圣重地,也是尼国人的大葬场。

• 再乘车前往那加阔,为加德满都底最佳观赏喜马拉雅山脉的观景台,也是以欣赏日出日落而闻名,风光秀丽气候宜人壮观的山景震撼人心。

Day 7
NAGARKOT – KATHMANDU 那加阔 – 加德满都 ( B/L/D 早/午/晚餐 )

• Morning indulge yourself in the cool breeze and enjoy the stunning sunrise view of Hi-malaya Range at resort’s lookout point.

• Proceed to Kathmandu – sightseeing tour of Kathmandu Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage site and it is a place where former royal palace located.

Hanuman Dhoka Statue – the fascinating Temple of the Living Goddess Kumari.

Swayambunath Stupa – a golden spire crowning a conical wooded hill, also known as Monkey Temple.

• Last minute shopping at Thamel Street.

• 早晨于酒店观景台看那第一道曙光,迷人的日出和清新的空气让人心旷神怡!

• 游览五彩缤纷的德坂杜巴广场,为旧皇宫中心,也是世界自然遗产之一。

• 参观猴神像,奇妙的库玛丽活女神庙,诡异的贾格那庙,以及神圣的斯瓦杨布庙(四眼天神佛塔),又名猴庙。

• 于著名的塔米尔街及购买纪念品。

Day 8
KATHMANDU ✈ SINGAPORE 加德满都 ✈ 新加坡 ( B 早餐 )

After Breakfast, proceed to airport for flight back to Singapore.


Package Includes 配套包括:

  • Return Economy Class Ticket SIN-KTM-SIN via Silk Air<br class=""/>往返新加坡-加德满都-新加坡胜安航空经济舱座机票。
  • Return Ticket KTM-PBH-KTM via Bhutan Airlines<br class=""/>往返加德满都-帕罗-加德满都不丹航空经济舱座机票。
  • Visa for Bhutan.<br class=""/>不丹签证。
  • 7 Nights Hotel Accommodation (Local Star Hotel).<br class=""/>7晚星级酒店住宿。
  • Daily 3 Meals (B/L/D) at designated Local Restaurants.<br class=""/>全程膳食。
  • Entry Fee/Royalty & Government Fee.<br class=""/>入境费/皇家与政府费用。
  • Mineral Bottled Water.<br class=""/>矿泉瓶装水。
  • Professional Tour Guide with English Speaking.<br class=""/>专业导游接待。
  • Bhutan Traditional Costume Trying - Min 6 persons.<br class=""/>试穿不丹国服(6人以上可试穿不丹国服)。
  • Bhutan Cultural Dance Performance - Min 6 persons.<br class=""/>不丹文化舞蹈表演(6人以上可欣赏)。

Package Excludes 配套不包括:

  • Airport taxes SGD 110(about MYR 330). <br class=""/>机场税110新币(约马币330)。
  • Nepal Visa Application Fee Cash USD 30 .<br class=""/>尼泊尔签证费30美金付现。
  • Tipping for Guide & Driver / Porter at USD 8 / pax / day (Adult & Child).<br class=""/>当地导游司机小费-美金 8 元每人每天(大人或小孩〉。
  • Tipping for Tour Leader at USD 3/ pax / day (Adult & Child).<br class=""/>领队小费- 美金 3 元每人每天(大人或小孩)。
  • Luggage porter service, USD 2 / pax / day (Adult & Child).<br class=""/>当地行李小费- 美金 2 元每人每天(大人或小孩)。
  • Tiger Nest Pony ride at own expense – USD 40 per Pony, one way up to half hill only)<br class=""/>虎穴寺自费骑马上到半山-美金40 每人/1匹马{只限单程“上山”}。
  • Travel Insurance (we can help Malaysian to arrange, foreigner please purchase at own country).<br class=""/>旅游保险(我们可协助马来西亚国籍旅客办理保险,其他国外旅客请自行在原籍地签购保险配套)。
  • Others personal expenditure are not mention in itinerary.<br class=""/>所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支。


  • In the event of local religious festival unforeseen circumstances and/ bad weather conditions, the sequences of the itinerary may be changed or substituted in by Alternative sites without prior notice and/or at short notice in order to ensure smoother journey and tour.
  • Any discrepancies travel, the English Version will be used as the standard.


Time Different 时差

– Bhutan 02 hours behind Malaysia Time.
– Nepal 02hrs 15min behind Malaysia Time.

– 不丹 比 马来西亚时间慢2个小时
– 尼泊尔 比 马来西亚时间慢2个小时15分钟

Travel Distance (Estimated) 旅行距离 (预估)

– Paro – Thimpu 1hrs
– Thimpu – Punakha 3hrs
– Punakha – Paro 4hrs

– 巴罗 到 廷布:1小时
– 廷布 到 普纳卡:3小时
– 普纳卡 到 巴罗:4小时

Electricity 电源

230Voltage / 3 round pin

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Nepal + Bhutan

Contact Info

(1205544-W)(KPK/LN 8508)
No.78-01 (First Floor),
Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana,
81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]