9D7N Mysterious Egypt (Tour Code: 9XCC) – Check-in 1 day early
(Cairo, Aswan, Abu Simbel, Nile Cruise, Luxor, Alexandria)
9天7晚 埃及神彩之旅 – 提前1天入住
Price Per Person:From RM 9,888
Guaranteed Departure 铁定出发:
2023: Nov 12, 19, 28
2024: Feb 7 | Mar 24
Selling Fast 即将成团:
2024: Mar 2
Other Departure Dates 其它出发日期:
2024: Jan 24 | Mar 20, 22, 23
Tour Highlights:
- Domestic Flight from Cairo to Aswan
乘搭国内航班从开罗到阿斯旺 - Felucca Sailing
乘坐埃及古代帆船Felucca - Temple of Abu Simbel (Entrance Included)
参观阿斯旺景点 – 阿布辛贝神庙(含入门票) - Horse Carriage to Luxor Market
特别安排乘坐马车游览卢克索市场 - Valley of Kings (Entrance Included)
探索帝王谷 – 17王朝到20王朝法老的陵墓(含入门票) - Queen Hatshepsut Temple (Entrance Included)
参观唯一统治过埃及的女法老,哈特谢普苏特女王神殿(含入门票) - Overnight Train from Luxor to Cairo
夜宿火车从卢克索到开罗 - Montazah Garden “King Faruk’s Palace”(Entrance Included)
蒙塔扎宫花园 “法鲁克国王宫”(含入门票) - The Great Pyramids Giza,Spinx(Entrance Included) (Camel Ride Included)
游览世界七大奇迹之一的吉萨金字塔和最大的狮身人面像(含入门票)(含骑骆驼) - Egyptian Museum, Mummy Room & King Tutankhamun (Entrance Included)
参观埃及博物馆,木乃伊陈列室 & 图坦卡蒙(埃及法老)(含入门票) - Drinking water during Lunch and dinner(1.5 Liter for every 4 pax)
午餐和晚餐时间的矿泉水(每4人1.5升) - 1 small bottle of mineral water daily during the tours
For inquiries regarding group pricing for this package with more participants or for more details on other Egypt tour packages, please contact our customer service through the following methods. 欲询问此配套更多成团人数价格或更多其他埃及旅游配套详情,敬请透过以下方式联系客服。
- Use either green ICON below to get in touch with us.
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- Email >> [email protected]
- Call >> +6011-2608 0128
Do you know how long the Nile River is?
It’s approximately 6,650km, making it the longest river in the world. It flows through East Africa’s Lake Victoria, then traverses Sudan and Egypt before finally emptying into the Mediterranean Sea, spanning 11 countries.
This 9D7N Mysterious Egypt tour will take you on a journey through the river of ancient history. From sailing across the Nile on a traditional felucca to explore the awe-inspiring Valley of the Kings. Visiting the Abu Simbel Temple and the Egyptian Museum’s Mummy Room and Pharaoh Tutankhamun exhibit. In addition, camel rides around the Giza Pyramids and Sphinx, an overnight train from Luxor to Cairo, and a 5★ luxury Nile River cruise will all make your Egypt adventure truly enchanting.
● Egyptian Museum, Mummy Room & King Tutankhamun (Entrance Included)
– Egyptian Museum Cairo – known commonly as the Egyptian Museum or Museum of Cairo, in Cairo, Egypt, is home to an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities.
– Mummy Room, is a preserved corpse by either natural or artificial means. Egyptian mummification was a 70 day process that involved removing the internal organs and thoroughly drying the body to avoid any source of decay. The Egyptians believed that an intact body was needed for a successful afterlife.
– KingTutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom or sometimes the New Empire Period. He has, since his discovery, been colloquially referred to as King Tut.
● The Saladin Citadel (Entrance Included)
● Muhammad Ali Mosque (Entrance Included)
● Khan El Khalili Bazaar for Shopping-major souk in the Islamic district of Cairo. The bazaar district is one of Cairo’s main attractions for tourists and Egyptians alike.
● Papyrus Fair & Perfume Shop(Shopping Stop)
● 埃及博物馆,木乃伊陈列室 & 图坦卡蒙(埃及法老)(含入门票)
– 埃及博物馆 – 埃及国家博物馆是世界上最著名的博物馆之一,也是世界上最大的古代埃及珍宝的馆藏地之一。博物馆创建于1858年,出自法国建筑师,位于开罗解放广场附近,是一座古朴的双层砖红色建筑,馆藏具有几千年历史的250万件文物。尤为著名的是图坦卡蒙陵墓出土的珍贵文物、胡夫、哈夫拉、蒙卡拉国王(三座金字塔的主人)雕像;十二王朝公主们的纯金花瓣式的头冠;拉美西斯二世木乃伊等等。
– 图坦卡蒙 – 是古埃及新王国时期第十八王朝的一位法老。他原来的名字叫“图坦卡顿”,意思是“阿顿的形象”,后改为图坦卡蒙,意思是“阿蒙的形象”,这也说明了他的信仰从崇拜阿顿神转向崇拜阿蒙神。
– 法老与贵族的木乃伊 – 包括哈特谢普苏特,拉米西斯二世在內的多具木乃伊,阿蒙霍特普二世陵墓与哈特谢普苏特的停灵庙木乃伊穴(DB320)里的木乃伊坑里出土的多具木乃伊也在埃及博物馆展览。
● 萨拉丁城堡(含入门票)
● 阿里清真寺(含入门票)
● 汗·哈利利大市场-汗·哈利利大市场的历史可追溯到公元前14世纪,最初是由一名叫哈利利的商人为了商贸活动建造的商铺。从那时起,商贩们就开始在此出售除了珠宝、金、银、铜和高级香料。这里充满了阿拉伯风情,已成为开罗古老文化和东方伊斯兰色彩的象征,吸引世界各地的游客。
● 纸莎草 & 香精店(购物商店)
● High Dam (Entrance Included) – The Aswan Dam is an embankment dam built across the Nile at Aswan, Egypt between 1898 and 1902. Since the 1960s, the name commonly refers to the Aswan High Dam.
● Unfinished Obelisque (Entrance Included) – The unfinished obelisk is the largest known ancient obelisk and is located in the northern region of the stone quarries of ancient Egypt in Aswan, Egypt.Besides the unfinished obelisk, an unfinished partly worked obelisk base was discovered in 2005 at the quarries of Aswan.
● Embark for Nile Cruise at Aswan
● Sail around Elephantine Island by Felucca (Ancient Egyptian sail Boat)
● Botanical Garden (View only)
● Overnight at Nile Cruise
● 阿斯旺水坝(含入门票) – 位于埃及开罗南部尼罗河畔,尼罗河美丽的自然景观,舒适的热带气候,丰富的文物古迹和世界上首屈一指的高坝,使阿斯旺的旅游业特别发达。水坝的建设自1960年开始,历时10年。
● 未完成的方尖碑(含入门票) – 方尖碑,通常是对地耸立在巨大的庙殿门前,作为崇拜太阳神的象征之一。参观阿斯旺的花岗岩场,主要是来看一座“未完成的方尖碑”,清晰地展示了古埃及人开采方尖碑的过程和高超技艺。“未完成的方尖碑”原为哈特谢普苏特女王建造,并计划把它矗立在卡尔纳克神庙前,由于顶部出现裂纹而被遗弃。
● 在阿斯旺上船,乘坐尼罗河豪华游船
● 在埃莱芬岛乘坐风帆Felucca(埃及古代帆船)
● 植物园(外观)
● 夜宿豪华游船
● Temple of Abu Simbel (Entrance Included) – The Abu Simbel temples are two massive
rock temples at Abu Simbel, a village in Nubia, southern Egypt, near the border with Sudan. They are situated on the western bank of Lake Nasser, about 230 km southwest of Aswan . The complex is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the “Nubian Monuments,”which run from Abu Simbel downriver to Philae (near Aswan).
● Sail to Kom Ombo
● Kom Ombo Temple (Entrance Included) – is an unusual double temple in the town of Kom Ombo in Aswan Governorate, Upper Egypt. It was constructed during the Ptolemaic dynasty, The building is unique because its ‘double’ design meant that there were courts, halls, sanctuaries and rooms duplicated for two sets of gods.
● Sail to Edfu
● Overnight at Nile Cruise
● 阿布辛贝神殿(含入门票) – 阿布辛贝神殿,是埃及南方城市阿斯旺的重要旅游景点,位于阿斯旺以南280千米处。建于公元前1300-前1233年,古埃及新王国第十九王朝的拉美西斯二世建造了这座大型岩窟神殿,距今已有3300年的历史了,也是新帝国的法老王时代最受保护的遗迹。
● 乘坐游船到康翁波
● 康翁波神殿(含入门票) – 康翁波神殿位于阿斯旺省康翁波,最初建立于公元前180年到公元前145年间. 康翁波神殿是最特别的神殿之一,神殿都是“成双成对”出现的,又称为“双神殿,”因为神殿里同时供奉着鹰神荷鲁斯(猎鹰神Haroeris)和鳄鱼神索贝克(鳄鱼神索贝克)。古埃及人相信鳄鱼是索贝克的活化身,它的神力很高,是法老权威的象征,而鹰神荷鲁斯是埃及九大主神之一,在人间的地位至高无上,象征神圣的王权,历任法老都被看做“活着的荷鲁斯。
● 乘坐游船到埃德夫
● 夜宿豪华游船
● Edfu Temple(Entrance Included) also known as Temple of Horus by Kalesh(Egyptian Cadillac) or horse drawn carriage(replace by bus during peak season)- located on the west bank of the Nile in Edfu, Upper Egypt. The city was known in Greco-Roman times as Apollonopolis Magna, after the chief god Horus-Apollo.It is one of the best preserved shrines in Egypt. The temple, dedicated to the falcon god Horus, The inscriptions on its walls provide important information on language, myth and religion during the Greco-Roman period in ancient Egypt.
● Sail to Esna – Cross The Canal Lock
● Sail to Luxor
● Enjoy Egyptian Galabea Party(*Costume at own expenses)
● Overnight at Nile Cruise
● 埃德夫神殿(含入门票)(*在旺季将乘坐巴士代替) – 是位于埃及尼罗河西岸城市埃德夫的一座古埃及神殿。它是继卡纳克神殿后最大及保存得最 好的一座神殿,除了用作供奉鹰头神荷鲁斯之外,神殿亦作宗教祭祀活动。
● 乘坐游船到埃斯那 – 穿越船闸
● 乘坐游船到卢克索
● 埃及加拉比亚派对(*派对服装自费)
● 夜宿豪华游船
● Disembak from Nile Cruise
● Horse Carriage to Luxor Market
● Karnak Temple (Entrance Included) – commonly known as Karnak, comprises a vast mix of decayed temples, chapels, pylons, and other buildings.
● Luxor Temple (Entrance Included) – is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex located on the east bank of the Nile River in the city today known as Luxor (ancient Thebes) and was constructed approximately 1400 BCE.
● Valley of Kings (Entrance Included) – is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, tombs were constructed for the Pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom (the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt).
● Queen Hatshepsut Temple (Entrance Included) – is located beneath the cliffs at Deir el Bahari on the west bank of the Nile near the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The mortuary temple is dedicated to the sun god Amon-Ra and is located next to the mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II, which served both as an inspiration, and later, a quarry. It is considered one of the “incomparable monuments of ancient Egypt.”
● Colossi of Memnon (Photo Stop) are two massive stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, who reigned during Dynasty XVIII. For the past 3,400 years (since 1350 BC) they have stood in the Theban necropolis, west of the River Nile from the modern city of Luxor.
● 豪华游船于尼罗河靠岸,下船
● 乘坐马车游览卢克索市场
● 卡纳克神殿 (含入门票) – 是世界上最大的古代宗教遗址。神殿内可以观赏到古埃及的代表性建筑、廊柱、庭院、大塔和方尖碑,甚至还有圣湖。进入到神殿,一定要去看看拉美西斯二世的巨型雕像它是卡尔纳克神殿里最具代表性的形象。
● 卢克索神殿 (含入门票) – 位于古埃及中王国和新王国的都城底比斯南半部遗址上。原本神庙外墙有一条两边矗立着狮身人面像的大道通往卡尔纳克神庙(Temple of Karnak),但现在已经中断,不过仍然有部分保存较好的雕像矗立在这里。
● 帝王谷 (含入门票) – 帝王谷共有60多座帝王陵墓,埋葬着第17王朝到第20王朝期间的64位法老,最大的一座是第19王朝沙提一世之墓。巨大的岩石洞被挖成地下宫殿,墙壁和天花板布满壁画,装饰华丽,令人难以想象。 帝王谷陵墓不规则地分布在山谷之中,墓穴依山开凿,入口往往开在山腰,有细小通道通向墓穴深处,以防止盗墓者的破坏。
● 哈特谢普苏特女王神殿 (含入门票) – 古埃及第十八王朝女王。 哈特谢普苏特是古埃及历史上武则天式的人物,是第一个名垂千古的古埃及女性法老,唯一一个统治过埃及的女人。神庙有3500多年的历史,共分为三层,内部的壁画描绘了哈特谢普苏法老祭祀各种神灵的场面,同时也描绘了她在位期间的重要功绩。神庙以其幽雅的建筑风格,精美绝伦、含义丰富的浮雕壁画,被认为是古代建筑中和自然景观结合得最好的杰作之一。
● 孟农神像(拍照) – 又称门农神像,是矗立在尼罗河西岸和帝王谷之间原野上的两座岩石巨像,他们原来是法老阿蒙荷太普(AMENHOTEP)三世神殿前的雕像,但神殿本身已无踪影。雕像高20米,风化严重,面部已不可辨识。坐像是由新王国时代鼎盛期的阿蒙荷太普三世建造的。人们认为石像是希腊神话中的孟农的雕像,就给石像取名为孟农像。
● The Great Pyramids of Giza & Sphinx (Entrance Included) (Camel Ride Included) – also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven
● Memphis (Entrance Included)
● Pyramid Sakkara (Entrance Included)
● 吉萨金字塔和狮身人面像(含入门票)(含骑骆驼) – 吉萨金字塔位于开罗的西南郊,是埃及最著名的金字塔区域,也是现存的世界七大奇迹之一这里耸立着三座大金字塔 – 分别属于第四王朝的爷孙三代胡夫、哈夫拉、蒙卡拉3位法老,此外还有狮身人面像、太阳船、河谷神庙等世界著名遗迹。
● 孟菲斯(埃及古城)(含入门票)
● 萨卡拉金字塔(含入门票)
● Montazah Palace Garden “King Faruk’s Palace” (Entrance Included) – is a palace and extensive gardens in the Montaza district of Alexandria, Egypt. It was built on a low plateau east of central Alexandria overlooking a beach on the Mediterranean Sea.
● Pompey’s Pillars (Entrance Included) – is a Roman triumphal column in Alexandria, Egypt, and the largest of its type constructed outside the imperial capitals of Rome and Constantinople.The only known free-standing column in Roman Egypt which was not composed of drumsit is one of the largest ancient monoliths and one of the largest monolithic columns ever erected.
● Roman Amphitheatre (Entrance Included)
● Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi Mosque (Entrance Included)
● 蒙塔扎宫花园 “法鲁克国王宫” (含入门票) – 位于海滨大道东端,是以前的国王及王室成员避暑的行宫,所以也称为夏宫,它是埃及末代国王法鲁克的行宫(现为埃及国宾馆)。蒙塔扎宫更像一个公园,包括一座博物馆、几段海滩浴场以及餐厅和设备齐全的旅游中心。蒙塔扎宫四周都是园林(皇宫被大花园所包围)也是亚历山大城最大的公园。
● 庞贝的支柱(含入门票) – 庞贝石柱矗立于埃及古都亚历山大城塞拉比斯神庙遗址上, 门口还有2座人面狮身像。为感谢戴克里先大帝对城内百姓的恩德, 埃及执政官波思吐莫斯下令于公元297年树立了这根石柱。阿拉伯人于公元641年占领了亚历山大城, 很直观地称这根石柱为“桅杆”阿拉伯语就是“萨瓦里”慢慢地石柱就成了萨瓦里石柱。
● 罗马圆形剧场(含入门票)
● 阿布阿巴斯穆尔西清真寺(含入门票)
Package Includes
- Return economy class flight ticket 往返经济舱机票
- One (1) way domestic flight ticket from Cairo to Aswan 单程内陆航班(开罗-阿斯旺)
- 3 Nights at 5★ Nile Cruise (Starting from Aswan End at Luxor), 1 Night from Luxor to Cairo (Overnight Train), 3 Nights at 5★ Cairo Hotel 3 晚 5★尼罗河豪华游船住宿(从阿斯旺至卢克索), 1 晚夜宿火车从卢克索前往开罗, 3 晚 5★开罗住宿
- Meals stated as per itinerary(Local Cuisine, Western Meals and Chinese Meals) 行程中列明餐食(中餐、西餐和当地餐为主)
- Malaysia departure levy, airport tax, YQ fuel 马来西亚出境税、机场税、燃油附加费
- Return airport transfer 往返机场接送
- All excursions and sightseeing as per itinerary 行程中包括的所有观光活动和景点参观
- Gratuity 小费
- Travel Insurance 旅游保险
- Tour Guide Service 导游服务
Package Excludes
- Visa fees for non-Malaysian(No visa required for Malaysia passport holder) 非马来西亚人的签证费(马来西亚护照持有人无需签证)
- Personal expenses 个人支出
- Other items not mentioned 其他未提及的项目
Remarks 备注:
- Visa Free Entry (Or Visa-On-Arrival) Valid For 15 Days
免签证或(落地签证)-逗留期为 15 天 - The triple room sharing are not available on Train only (Third person will sleep on another cabin)
埃及之旅不提供 3 人一房在夜宿火车而已(第三人会给予安排住在另一个包厢) - (45 days before departure need to confirm) The extra service fee for additional RM1800 (Subject to change) Min. 2 Pax, On Day 5 Luxor To Cairo overnight train change to flight (Services included One (1) way domestic flight ticket, airport transfer meet & greet, 1 night hotel & 1 dinner)
(请于 45 天出发前确认并付款)额外服务费用 RM1800 零吉 (Subject to change);第五天夜宿火车从卢克索去开罗替换成内陆飞机(费用包括:单程内陆航班,来回机场接送,1 晚酒店住宿)
Travel Essentials 旅游必备:
- Passport & Visas – Each tour member is responsible to ensure their passport is valid for at least six (6) months
from the return date of the trip and all necessary visas and permits have been acquired.
每位旅游成员有责任确保其护照有效期至少六 (6) 个月
自旅行返回之日起,并已获得所有必要的签证和许可证。 - Travel Insurance – It’s essential that you take out comprehensive travel insurance before travel.
旅游保险– 在旅行前购买全面的旅行保险至关重要。
Terms & Conditions 附带条款:
- Itineraries, meals, hotels, and transportation are subject to change without prior notice.
行程、膳食、酒店和交通如有变更,恕不另行通知。 - We reserve the right to make changes to or cancel the itinerary at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, especially during peak periods or in the event of a force majeure.
我们保留因不可预见的情况随时更改或取消行程的权利,特别是在高峰期或遇到不可抗力的情况。 - Due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, local/religious festivals, public holidays, weather conditions, transport technical issues, and acts of nature, we reserved the right to alter the sequence or change, amend or alter the itinerary if necessary, with or without prior notice.
由于 Covid-19 旅行限制、当地/宗教节日、公共假期、天气条件、交通技术问题和自然灾害,我们保留在必要时更改顺序或更改、修改或更改行程的权利,无论有或没有 事先通知。 - There will be no refund or replacement if the tour logistic is affected by the above issue.
如果旅行行程受上述问题影响,将不提供退款或替代服务。 - We are not responsible for omissions, printing, and/or presentation errors in brochures or in any media where such information may be presented; we reserve the right to make corrections as required.
我们对小册子或可能呈现此类信息的任何媒体中的遗漏、印刷和/或呈现错误不承担任何责任; 我们保留根据需要进行更正的权利。 - Every person participating in our tours shall travel at his/her own risk. We shall not be held liable to any person for additional expenses that may be incurred due to delays or changes in any transport services, sickness, weather, strikes, war, or other causes.
每个参加我们旅行团的人都应自行承担旅行风险。 我们不对任何人因任何运输服务延误或变化、疾病、天气、罢工、战争或其他原因而产生的额外费用承担责任。 - All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only.
10D7N Europe Evergreen Route Map

● MYR 10 : 40 EGP
● USD 10 : 180 EGP
● 220 Volts , 50 Hz
● Type C (2-pin) & Type F (2-pin)
*Please bring a universal electric plug adapter
● Malaysia is 5 hours ahead of Egypt
Each individual are entitled to check in 1 luggage of not more than 25kgs and a hand carry bag not more than 7kgs.
● +20
● Summer: May – Oct (16°C- 35°C)
● Winter: Nov – Apr (7°C- 25°C)
A320/A330/Boeing 777