Tioman island is one of the islands in Malaysia that you should not miss. This gorgeous island is the best place for a relaxing retreat in its amazing sun-kissed white sandy beaches looking out to the clear blue water.

Tioman  island is great for honeymoon as well as for those who enjoy to discover the underwater with diversified of marine species. Facing the South China Sea, this island is blessed with beautiful coastline around the island and is a paradise for beach lovers as well as diving and snorkeling nerds.

Tioman is a duty-free island, which means some items are much cheaper compared to prices at the mainland. This especially goes for alcohol; which is clearly cheaper compared to other tropical island (only a few ringgits for a beer or cocktail). The inland of Tioman is covered in thick jungle; the edges of the island are populated. Because Tioman is part of a Marine Park, all visitors have to pay a marine park entrance fee of RM5 upon arrival.