3D2N Cuti Cuti Kuching Tour (2024-25) - 3 Days

3 Days 2 Nights Cuti Cuti Kuching Tour 


Effective until 31st March 2025

Package Rate Per Person (RM) – SIC 2-3 paxs 4-6 paxs 7-9 paxs 10-14 paxs 15 & above Single Supp +
Twin Sharing Per Adult Rate (RM)
Pullman Kuching 778 718 688 688 678 368
The Waterfront Hotel Or Riverside Astana Wing 758 688 668 668 658 348
Grand Margherita Hotel 728 668 638 638 628 328
Imperial Hotel Or Imperial Riverbank 658 588 568 568 548 248
Harbour View Hotel Or Abell Hotel 628 568 548 538 518 228
Hotel Grand Continental Or Meritin Hotel –  Valid Till 28th Feb 2025 618 548 528 518 498 208
The Lime Tree Hotel 598 528 508 508 478 188

Peak Season Surcharge will be applied for individual hotel. Please refer to our peak season surcharge list. 个别酒店的旺季附加费不同,请参阅旺季附加费表。

Sarawak Tour Package Seasonal Surcharge 2024-25

NOTE:  Child Price base on aged 3-11yrs old . 12yrs old & above is base on adult fare 

  • Child 1⁄2 Share Twin (95% of adult rate)
  • Child with Bed (85% of adult rate)
  • Child without Bed (65% of adult rate)


(1) For booking this tour package or more inquiries, you can use the below method to contact our sales representative, we’ll serve you in a short while.

(2) Prices shown are just guideline and are not guaranteed until purchase is completed.

(3) All rates are subject to change without prior notice.

(4) Payment by credit card is subject to admin charges.

(5) Rates quoted are nett in Malaysian Ringgit (RM) based on PER PERSON BASIS.



Day 1
Arrival – Kuching City & Shopping Tour 抵达古晋–古晋市区观光和购物

Upon arrival at Kuching International Airport, meet and greet by our friendly representative and proceed for Kuching City & Shopping Tour. Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, is a city that beautifully showcases its cosmopolitan nature through its street heritage. The heart of the city is well preserved, with ornate houses of worship such as the Kuching Oldest City Mosque and Tua Pek Kong Temple. There are also many colonial-style architectural gems, including the Square Tower, which stands alongside the historical Astana and Fort Margherita, the futuristic State Legislative Assembly building (DUN), and the iconic Golden Bridge, which overlooks the Kuching Waterfront. The iconic cat statue strategically dotted along the city centre is a symbol and mascot of Kuching City. It will greet you along the way as your tour takes you to the Market, Main Bazaar, China Town, and other well-known city landmarks, including the Borneo Cultures Museum, among other places of interest. Kuching is a haven for those seeking unique souvenirs and local treasures. You can browse for handmade crafts, trinkets and indigenous products such as woodcarvings, the patterned, multi-colored “pua kumbu” ceremonial cloth, and versatile Sarawak pottery adorned with ethnic motifs. Edible bird’s nest, known for its health benefits, and pepper spice in a beautifully crafted ceramic cat figurine, also make for exquisite and thoughtful gifts suitable for any occasion. A must-visit while in Sarawak is a “Kek Lapis” delicatessen bakery. The renowned Sarawak Kek Lapis is a traditional layered cake, available in an array of flavors with adorned with intricate designs, making an excellent gift for friends and family. Check-in to hotel of your choice.

抵达古晋国际机场,由当地导游接机后开始古晋市区观光。享有世界第七个优雅城市的美誉–古晋, 市容绿意怏然、优雅干净,充满古朴情怀。市内的砂拉越河滨公园、古老中国街坊~唐人街、古色古香的庙宇~大伯公庙、金碧辉煌的教堂及拥有百年历史的古迹,让城市显得独格一方。标志性的猫塑像分布在市中心各个角落,是古晋市吉祥物的象征。此外,历史悠久的阿斯塔纳、玛格丽塔古堡、超现代的州立法议会大楼 (DUN)、婆罗洲文化博物馆以及造价 3500 万、全长 335 公尺的跨河步行弯桥;~达鲁哈纳(Darul Hana)桥或称为黄金桥让这座位於热带丛林的繁华都市,绿意盎然,规划完善,在美丽的砂拉越河衬托下更显浪漫且宁静。来到古晋少不了买一些纪念品。在这里有着各式各样的手工工艺品如木雕、色彩图案的礼仪布 “pua kumbu” 、砂拉越陶器、食用燕窝和胡椒也是非常适合买来当伴手礼。另外,砂拉越的千层蛋糕 “Kek Lapis” 专卖店也是必到的景点之一。拥有多种口味、各式各样的设计的千层蛋糕是送给朋友和家人的绝佳礼物。入住市区酒店。

Day 2
Semenggoh Wildlife Centre – Sarawak Cultural Village 实蒙谷野生动物保育中心 - 砂拉越文化村 (B/早)

Breakfast at the hotel. Morning visit to Semenggoh Wildlife Centre. Unlike in a zoo, the orangutans are free to roam in this 653-hectare forest reserve. Here, young and adolescent orangutans are trained and equipped with the right skills for survival in the wild. Witness their delicate nests, nimble treetop acrobatics and the nuances of their feeding behaviour. The guide will provide in-depth insights into the distinct behaviour and characteristics of this unique primate otherwise known as ‘man of the forest’. Afternoon, visit to Sarawak Cultural Village. The Village, also known as the “Living Museum”, is a kaleidoscope of Sarawak’s rich cultures and time-honored traditions. Explore seven authentic ethnic house replicas: the Chinese Farm House, Malay Stilted House, Melanau Tall House, Penan Hut, and Longhouses of the Iban, Bidayuh, and Orang Ulu ethnic groups. Within these dwellings, you will find countless artefacts crafted by their respective ethnic inhabitants. As you roam the village, witness live arts and crafts demonstrations such as beadwork, wood and bamboo carvings, “pua” weaving, and straw weaving. Before you leave, be sure not to miss the captivating cultural performances by various ethnic groups at the Village Theatre. After tour, transfer back to the hotel for overnight.

早餐后,前往参观实蒙谷野生动物保育中心,距离古晋市区车程约 30 分钟,为最靠近市区的热带雨林,而这片原始的雨林,原本就是砂拉越州人猿的其中一个家。由于环境及自然生态的变化,砂拉越州内一些稀有动物已面临绝种的危机,尤其是原产于婆罗洲岛及苏门答腊的红毛猩猩,数量已较十年前减少一半,故州政府便在实蒙谷成立一个专门护育野生动物的组织,以人工的饲养方式,再加上人员的教导与训练,促使这些红毛猩猩更加懂得如何在自然界中生存与繁殖。这里不是把人猿关在笼子里的动物园,而是人猿可以自由来去的家。意思时你未必看得见人猿,你只求可以遇见牠。接着,前往参观砂拉越文化村。距离古晋市区车程约 45 分钟, 占地 14 英亩的砂拉越文化村,为砂拉越州内各个民族传统习俗及文化生活的缩影。村内共有七种建构不同的实体模型屋,都是依据各民族传统房屋的格式,再以原始的方式建成。而且建材亦是使用自然界垂手可得的竹子、黄藤、树皮、棕榈叶、木材等作为材料。参观各民族传统房屋的同时,亦可听见四处传来阵阵的鼓声,锣声及悠扬的 “沙贝” 声。这都是各民族以传统的方式迎接客人的到访。村内盛装的民族艺人,亦在忙着蘑米、刻制木雕、编织手工艺品、烧煮各种传统食品,若与他们共同研究与学习,感觉就如与各民族一起生活一般。而在剧场内长达 45 分钟的传统舞蹈表演,更是让人感觉犹兴未尽。行程结束后,返回酒店休息。

Day 3
Departure 离开古晋 (B/早)

Breakfast at the hotel. Free at leisure until transfer to Kuching International Airport for your departure flight.

Remarks: Sighting of wildlife is NOT GUARANTEE on any wildlife tour, even though each trip is designed around known habitats. The guides will do their utmost to ensure a sighting, but cannot be held liable if there is no successful sighting of wildlife due to weather, or any other factor beyond our control.
备注:行程上所寻找的动物都是野生的,故无法保证游客将会看到它们,但国家公园导游具备专业知识与经验,熟悉动物的习性与国家公园的环境,通常都会到动物出没的地点找到它们。行程结束后, 回返酒店休息。

Sequence of tour is subject to change according to weather permission.

Package Includes 配套包含

  • 2 nights hotel stay with breakfast. 2 晚酒店住宿含早餐。
  • Tours & transfers as per itinerary. 行程上注明的景点和接送。
  • Entrance Fee. 景点门票
  • Tour guide service. 导游服务。

Package Excludes 配套不含

  • Airfare & Airport Tax. 机票和机场税。
  • Entrance fee to Borneo Cultures Museum. 婆罗洲文化博物馆入门票。
  • Tourism Tax (RM10 per room per night) 旅游税(每房每晚 RM10)
  • Tipping (Suggested RM10 per pax per day) 小费(建议每人每天 RM10)
  • Meals not stated. 未列明餐食
  • Travel Insurance. 旅游保险。
  • Peak Season Surcharge.旺季附加费。
  • Surcharge with other languages guide. 其它语言指南附加费。
  • Others personal expenditure are not mention in itinerary. 所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支。

1. Peak season surcharge will notify upon making a reservation if any.

2. Hotel peak season surcharge will notify upon reservation.

3. After commencement of travel, NO REFUND in full or in part will be given for services included in the packages which are not utilized.

4.Travel Document – it is the responsibility of on self to ensure that they have valid passports and visas, where necessary. If in doubt, please consult your travel   agent or local immigration authorize passengers should make arrangement of their own travel and health insurance coverage of any kind.

1. The management reserved the right to alter the itinerary or cancel a tour due to unforeseen operational conditions. 
2. The booking is confirmed once we receive your payment. 
3. No amendment & cancellation after booking is done.
4. The management excludes liability for losses incurred due to failure to connect with other services and shall not be held liable for loss of baggage or personal belonging, illness, injury, or death resulting from activities that are beyond the management’s control. 
5. Booking is subject to availability of rooms and confirmation will be on a first come first serve basis. 
6. The management reserves the right to revise the above facilities and rates without any prior notice.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

3D2N Cuti Cuti Kuching Tour (2024-25)

Contact Info

(1205544-W)(KPK/LN 8508)
No.78-01 (First Floor),
Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana,
81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]