6天5晚 张家界湘遇温德姆
地接配套 (天天出发-2人成行)
每人全包从 RM 1,988 起
行程亮点 :
- 视觉盛宴-魅力湘西大型表演VIP席(春晚节目指导-冯小刚指导)
- 黄龙洞VIP通道
- 天门山赠扶梯+玻璃栈道鞋套
- 凤凰接驳车+韶山换乘车
- 凤凰古城沱江泛舟+七重水幕灯光秀
- 张家界核心景区航拍
- 百龙电梯
- 天子山索道
- 王牌景点一网打尽 :
- 伟人故里韶山 5A:中华人民共和国的缔造者之一、中国各族人民的伟大领袖毛泽东主席的故乡
- 张家界国家森林公园 5A:中国第一个世界自然遗产、国家地质公园,近距观潘多拉星球·阿凡达悬浮山原型
- 世外田园黄龙洞 4A:远离城市喧哗,呼吸世外田园风光、探秘中国最美的旅游溶洞奇观
- 最美的空中花园.仙界佛国—天门山 5A:体验空中之路-玻璃栈道;穿山溶洞天门洞;99 通天大道等
- 中国最浪漫的古城凤凰古城 5A:沱江泛舟—坐上乌篷船欣赏百年土家吊脚楼;邂逅一个人·艳遇一座城!跟着沈从文一起,探寻吊脚楼里的小城故事
特色风味餐 :
- 高山流水宴 :民族风味、土家情怀、儿时味道 价格亲民,是张家界必尝美食!
- 湘西苗家宴 :湘西人民最高礼仪招待!
- 湘西打鼓皮 :是当地人心头好,以牛肋骨边角料为主料,经过土家巧手烹饪而成!
- 长沙五钻标准:融程花园酒店 |万家丽国际|三景韦尔斯利|雅士亚华美达|隆华国际|中国城戴斯|岳麓区
- 张家界五钻标准 :瑞景缦山温德姆 或 京武铂尔曼或青和锦江酒店
- 凤凰四钻标准酒店或客栈
(1) For booking this tour package or more inquiries, you can use the below method to contact our sales representative, we’ll serve you in a short while.
- Use either green ICON below to get in touch with us.
- Fill up the below form
- Email >> [email protected]
- Call >> +6011-2608 0128
(2) Prices shown are just guideline and are not guaranteed until purchase is completed.
(3) All rates are subject to change without prior notice.
(4) Payment by credit card is subject to admin charges.
(5) Rates quoted are nett in Malaysian Ringgit (RM) based on PER PERSON BASIS.
Zhangjiajie, a city in the northwest of China’s Hunan province, is home to the famed Wulingyuan Scenic Area. This protected zone encompasses thousands of jagged quartzite sandstone columns, many of which rise over 200m, as well as caves filled with stalactites and stalagmites. Wulingyuan also encompasses forests, rivers, waterfalls and 2 large natural land bridges, as well as endangered plant and animal species.