Incredible India Golden Triangle(2023-24) - 6 Days

6D4N Incredible India Golden Triangle(New Delhi, Agra, Jaipur) (Tour Code: 6XIN)
6天4晚 印度金三角之旅(新德里,阿格拉,斋浦尔)

Price Per PersonFrom RM 4,588

Download Itinerary     行程下载

Guaranteed Departure 铁定出发:
2023: Nov 8 | Dec 18

Other Departure Dates 其它出发日期:
2024: Feb 14 | Mar 27 | Apr 10

Tour Highlights 行程亮点:

  • Delhi is the Capital City of India, It Lures Tourists with its Rich Art and Culture
  • Agra is the City of The Seven Wonders of the World- Taj Mahal, the Monument of Eternal Love, One of the UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Agra Red Fort with Historical Significance, is a Major Landmark of Agra, One of the UNESCO World Heritage Site
    雄伟的阿格拉红堡具有丰富的历史,是阿格拉主要地标, 也是联合国教科文组织世界遗产之一
  • Discover the Beauty of Fatehpur Sikri Historical Monuments, Designated as the UNESCO World Heritage site
  • Discover the Pink City -Jaipur, One of the Largest Cities in India, also Home to All the Modern Amenities
  • Birla Temple is constructed by the affluent Birla family, dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi
  • The Beautiful City Palace known with its outstanding art and architecture, a Major Landmark in Jaipur
  • Amer Fort designated as UNESCO World Heritage List along with Five other Forts of Rajasthan
  • Enjoy The Elephant Ride Up to the Amber Fort Entrance is an Exciting Experience

Gourmets 特色料理:

  • Mixture of Buffet 自助早餐
  • India Local Cuisine 印度风味餐

For inquiries more details or other India tour packages, please contact our customer service through the following methods. 欲询问此配套更多详情或更多其他印度旅游配套详情,敬请透过以下方式联系客服。


Embark on a breathtaking journey through the heart of India’s rich cultural heritage with our captivating Delhi-Agra-Jaipur tour. Begin your adventure in Delhi, the dynamic capital city, where centuries of art and culture await your exploration. As you wander through the bustling streets, immerse yourself in the beauty of historical landmarks and modern amenities that harmoniously coexist.

In Agra, you’ll encounter the city of love, home to the iconic Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A visit to the Agra Red Fort reveals the city’s historical significance and adds to the allure of this splendid destination. Further enrich your travel experience by exploring the UNESCO-designated Fatehpur Sikri’s awe-inspiring historical monuments.

Continuing your journey, the Pink City of Jaipur beckons with its vibrant culture and contemporary comforts. Here, you’ll discover the breathtaking Birla Temple and the illustrious City Palace, both showcasing the region’s remarkable art and architecture. As the tour culminates, Amer Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site, invites you to enjoy an unforgettable elephant ride to its grand entrance, offering a truly exciting experience. Explore the wonders of India with this extraordinary tour.


Day 1
Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡 ✈ 5h30m++ ✈ New Delhi 新德里 (MOB 机上用餐)

• Upon arrival , proceed to hotel for check in
• 抵达后,入住酒店

Day 2
New Delhi 新德里 –225km(4hrs)- Agra 阿格拉 (B 早/ L午 /D 晚餐)

Taj Mahal (Entrance Included) – One of the world’s most iconic monuments Mughal architecture on the right bank of the river Yamuna in the Indian city of Agra. It was built by Emperor Shah Jahān to honor his wife Mumtāz Maḥal who died in 1631 giving birth to their 14th child.
It took about 22 years and 20,000 workers to construct the complex, which includes an immense garden with a reflecting pool.

*Closed on Every Friday

Agra Fort (Red Fort) (Entrance Included) – also known as the massive Lal Qila. Built in Redstone by Mughal Emperor Akbar. A palatial city, it comprises of exquisite sections of Sheesh Mahal (Glass Palace), Jahangir’s Palace, Diwan-i-Am (Hall of public and aristocracy interaction), Diwan-i-Khas(Hall of private audience), Mina Masjid (Heavenly Mosque) and Nagina Masjid (Gem Mosque). It houses 85 square, geometrically arranged bonny lush gardens.

*Closed on Every Monday

泰姬陵 (含入门票) – 亦称泰姬玛哈陵, 一座巨大的白色大理石陵墓。泰姬陵的建造是莫卧儿王朝皇帝沙·贾汗与皇后一段动人的故事。皇后在1630年临终前向皇上要求其中一项是为她建造一座人人可瞻仰的美丽陵墓。于是沙·贾汗便耗资500万卢比,以2万名工匠,花了22年时间,完成了这座震惊世人的大理石艺术建筑。泰姬陵是印度穆斯林艺术最完美的瑰宝,1983年被指定为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。


阿格拉红堡 (含入门票) – 全部采用红砂岩建造,于在1573年建成,故又称红堡。这里曾经是莫卧儿王朝的皇城所在地,堡内有著名的“谒见之厅”,是莫卧儿王朝帝王接见大臣的地方。另有贾汗吉尔宫八角瞭望塔和莫迪清真寺,因用纯白色大石建筑而成,精致典雅,故又称珍珠清真寺等建筑物。据说,当年沙贾汗王被其第三子幽禁在这座古堡时,就是经常默默地坐在小楼中,望向泰姬陵。


Day 3
Agra 阿格拉 –239km(4hrs30m)- Jaipur 斋浦尔 (B 早/ L午 /D 晚餐)

Jaipur – In order to welcome the visit of Prince of Wales, all the buildings in the old city were painted pink. Jaipur divided into old city and new city. Most of the old city is the location of the pink city.

Fatehpur Sikri (Entrance Included)

Birla Temple (Laxmi Narayan Temple) (Visit)

City Palace Jaipur (Entrance Included) – the grand palace complex of City Palace which is also the residence of the royal family of Jaipur. City Palace showcases the splendid legacy of the royal family and its ancestors. The complex includes Chandra Mahal and Mubara Mahal.

斋浦尔 – 当年为了迎接英国威尔斯王子到访,旧城内建筑物全部漆成粉红色。斋浦尔现分为新旧两城,旧城多为古旧建筑是粉红城所在地。

法泰赫普尔西克里 (含入门票)

勒克什密那罗延寺 (参观)

城市宫殿 (含入门票) – 是斋浦尔王室的住所,展示了皇室及其祖先的辉煌遗产。城市皇宫是由月之宫殿和姆巴拉宫殿以及其他一系列宫殿组成的古代宫殿建筑群。宏伟宫殿建筑群是印度建筑的希尔帕沙斯特拉和拉杰普特和莫卧儿建筑风格的融合。

Day 4
Jaipur 斋浦尔 (B 早/ L午 /D 晚餐)

Amer Fort (Entrance Included) – Constructed in 1592 with red sandstone and marble, this beautiful fort faces the Maota Lake. This large opulent fort constituted four prominent segments. The ceiling of Sheesh Mahal is carved with tiny mirror pieces, and it is said that the house gives beautiful vistas of Maota Lake. Interestingly, this fort even has a thrilling tunnel right behind the women’s quarters which leads to the Jaigarh Fort.

*Enjoy Elephant Ride 1 Way Up to Amer Fort (6km)

Jal Mahal (Water Palace) (View)

Man Sagar Lake (View)

Hawa Mahal (Palaces of the Wind)(Photo Stop) – also known as Palace of Winds, in the center of Rajasthan’s capital. it was designed by Lal Chand Ustadand completed in 1799. The iconic structure reflects the maharaja’s devotion to Lord Krishna as its honeycomb pattern resembles the Hindu god’s crown. A honeycomb with its 953 small windows decorated with intricate latticework. Through this screen a kind of architectural veil, women of the royal household gathered on the upper floors of the five-story palace to watch street festivals below and freely view the bazaar and its vibrant proceedings unseen while they remained invisible to the outside world.

琥珀堡 (含入门票) – 是印度古代藩王Raja Man Singh于1592年建立的都城,位于斋普尔的旧都一座山丘之上,下方有一条护城河,捍卫着斋普尔城。城堡由奶白、浅黄、玫瑰红和纯白石料成,远看犹如琥珀,故被称为琥珀堡。宫殿的建筑都是受到莫卧儿建筑风格影响。”万镜之宫”也是琥珀堡中最著名的宫殿,宫墙上镶嵌无数小镜子和宝石,在阳光的反射下,整个宫殿熠熠生辉。院中上方是嫔妃们的住所,住所被分隔成12所房子,各住一位王妃。国王坐在二楼中间的小阳台上可观察嫔妃们的一举一动,还有十二道秘密独立的通道通往各个嫔妃的房间,避免了嫔妃间的争风吃醋。登上琥珀堡的最高处,可俯瞰整个斋普尔城。


水之宫殿 (远观)

曼萨加尔湖 (远观)

哈瓦玛哈(风之宫殿)(拍照)- 哈瓦玛哈于1799 年完成。其独特的五层楼的外观有953个小窗户的蜂窝,类似于蜂箱。透过这道屏风,皇室女性聚集在五层宫殿的上层,观看下面的街头节日,在外界看不见的情况下,自由地观看集市及其热闹的活动。

Day 5
Jaipur 斋浦尔 ✈ 273km(5h30m) ✈ New Delhi新德里 ✈ 5h30m ✈ Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡 (B 早/ L午 /D 晚餐)

Akshardham Temple (Visit)
*Closed on Every Monday

India Gate (Photo Stop) – Iconic and majestic arch gate in Delhi commemorates the undividedBritish army soldiers who laid down their lives during World War I and the 3rd Anglo-Afghan War of 1919. It is a War Memorial situated in the Rajpath area of Delhi.

National War Memorial (Photo Stop)

President House (Drive Pass)

Parliament House (Drive Pass)

阿克萨达姆神庙 (参观)

印度门 (拍照) – 是德里雄伟的拱门,印度的标志性建筑。纪念在第一次世界大战(1914-1918年)期间牺牲的印度军队士兵。印度门以南为新德里,印度门以北为老德里。

国家战争纪念馆 (拍照)

总统府 (途经)

国会大厦 (途经)

Day 6
Arrive Kuala Lumpur 抵达吉隆坡 (MOB 机上用餐)

Package Includes 配套包括:

  • Return economy class flight ticket 往返经济舱机票
  • 1 Night at New Delhi, 1 Night at Agra, 2 Nights at Jaipur Local 5★ Hotel Stay. 1晚 新德里,1晚 阿格拉,2晚 斋浦尔 当地5★酒店住宿
  • Meals stated as per itinerary 行程中列明餐食
  • Malaysia departure levy, airport tax, YQ fuel 马来西亚出境税、机场税、燃油附加费
  • Return airport transfer 往返机场接送
  • All excursions and sightseeing as per itinerary 行程中包括的所有观光活动和景点参观
  • Gratuity 小费
  • Travel Insurance(up to 69 yrs old) 旅游保险(年龄至69岁)
  • Tour Guide Service 导游服务

Package Excludes 配套不包括:

  • Meals no state in itinerary. 行程中行程没有列明的午、晚餐
  • Hotel porter gratuity. 酒店行李员小费
  • Others personal expenditure are not mention in itinerary. 所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支。
  • Exclude India visa fees(E-Visa Fee: 30days approx.USD25, 1year approx. USD40) 不包括印度签证费(电子签证费用:30天约为25美元,1年约为40美元)。

Remarks 备注:

  • Fuel surcharge subject to change (shall collect the difference if airline increases the charges).
  • With the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, some attractions, restaurants, hotels, etc. might be closed at the time of departure and shall be replaced by others without prior notice.
  • There will be no refund or replacement if the tour logistic is affected by the above issue. All pictures are for illustration purposes only.
Time Different 时差

● India 02hrs 30min behind Malaysia time.

Voltage & Power Socket 电压与插座

● 230 Volts , 50 Hz
● Type C (2-pin) / Type D (3-pin) / Type M (3-pin)
*Please bring a universal electric plug adapter

Weather 气候

● Spring 春季(3月 – 5月 Mar to May):20°C – 25°C
● Summer 夏季(6月 – 8月 Jun to Aug):22°C – 38°C
● Autumn 秋季(9月 – 11月 Sep to Nov):20°C – 30°C
● Winter 冬季(12月 – 2月 Dec to Feb):9°C – 20°C

*Subject to weather of the day*

Aircraft Type 飞机型号

● A320
● A330
● Boeing 777

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Incredible India Golden Triangle(2023-24)

Contact Info

(1205544-W)(KPK/LN 8508)
No.78-01 (First Floor),
Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana,
81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]