13/12D11N Deep Travel in Northern Xinjiang (Tour Code: CURM-13)
13/12天11晚 北疆深度游(乌鲁木齐+富蕴+布尔津+可可托海+贾登峪+奎屯+伊宁+特克斯+那拉提草原)
每人全包从 RM10,399 起
13D11N 出发日期:24 May|7 , 14 Jun
- 体验:
- 一趟伊宁-乌鲁木齐高铁(5小时车程)
- 喀拉峻大草原(包含区间车+猎鹰台骑马)
- 卡赞其民俗旅游区
- 景点:
- 禾木村 – 中国最美丽的村庄,因其秋季迷人的自然美景。
- 喀纳斯湖风景区 – 有人称喀纳斯湖为“东方的瑞士”、“上帝的花园”。
- 喀拉峻大草 – 被誉为“天下罕有的天然优质草原”、“云中草原”。
- 赛里木湖 – 是新疆最大的高山湖泊(458平方公里),也是最高的湖泊(海拔2070米)。
- 薰衣草庄园 **季节性:5-6月/8-9月
- 维吾尔族家访
- 商圈: 国际大巴扎
- 特色餐:大盘鸡+冷水鱼风味+抓饭风味+烤全羊风味+自助小火锅
(1) For booking this tour package or more inquiries, you can use the below method to contact our sales representative, we’ll serve you in a short while.
- Use either green ICON below to get in touch with us.
- Fill up the below form
- Email >> [email protected]
- Call >> +6011-2608 0128
(2) Prices shown are just guideline and are not guaranteed until purchase is completed.
(3) All rates are subject to change without prior notice.
(4) Payment by credit card is subject to admin charges.
(5) Rates quoted are nett in Malaysian Ringgit (RM) based on PER PERSON BASIS.
Discover North Xinjiang, China’s largest region, situated in the northwest and bordered by eight countries, including former Soviet Central Asian Republics, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Known as Sinkiang or Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR), North Xinjiang is a pivotal stop on the historic Silk Road. This region is also home to the Turkic-speaking Muslim Uighur minority, making it a fascinating cultural and historical destination.