Osaka/ Shirakawa-go/ Nagoya/ Kanazawa (2023-24) - 6 Days

6D4N Osaka/Shirakawa-go/Nagoya/Kanazawa (Tour Code: JBA-2)
6天4晚 大阪/合掌村/名古屋/金泽

Price Per PersonFrom RM 5,988

Download Itinerary     行程下载

Guaranteed Departure 铁定出发:
2023: Oct 13,16,24 | Nov 19
2024: Jan 17,19 | Feb 8,9,10,14

Selling Fast 即将成团:
2023: Dec 15
2024: Feb 29

Other Departure Dates 其它出发日期:
2023: Nov 29 | Dec 8,10,20,22,24,27,31
2024: Jan 5,17,26 | Feb 7,9,13,16,23 | Mar 6,13,15,20,22,26 | Apr 12,27 | May 25 | Jun 7

Tour Highlights

Special Gourmet 特色美食:

  • Sukiyaki Set, Kushikatsu Set, BBQ buffet, Japanese Organic Buffet, Japanese Set

For inquiries more details or other Japan tour packages, please contact our customer service through the following methods. 欲询问此配套更多详情或更多其他日本旅游配套详情,敬请透过以下方式联系客服。


From the stunning Shirakawa-Go Village, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its traditional Gassho-Zukuri farmhouses, to the vibrant streets of Nagoya’s Sakae Shopping Street, our Japan tour offers an unforgettable experience.



Day 1
Departure 启程 ✈ Osaka 大阪

Day 2
Arrival Osaka 抵达大阪 - Kyoto 京都 - Nagoya 名古屋 (MOB 机上用餐/L 午/D 晚餐)

Fushimi Inari-Taisha – Is located in a Kyoto, Japan Fushimi shrine area,is the country throughout Japan about 40,000 more than the total of the Society Inari shrine to the territory owned by the “one thousand Torii” famous.

Nishiki Market

Kiyomizu Temple– The temple is renowned for its construction which uses no nails to support the elaborate wooden structuire of the main hall. And with a quaint old lane lined with pottery shops lead up to this famous temple.

Nagoya Sakae Shopping Street

伏见稻荷神社 – 是一位于日本京都市伏见区内的神社,是遍及日本全国各地约四万多所的稻荷神社之总本社,以境内所拥有的「千本鸟居」闻名。


京都清水寺 – 历史悠久的寺庙,整座建筑完全不用铁打钉琐。沿途坡道两旁是日式古老建筑及商店,摆满了各种格式的日本手工艺品,陶瓷,日本娃娃等,不胜枚举。


Day 3
Nagoya 名古屋 - Shirakawa-go 白川乡 (B 早/L 午/D 晚餐)

Food Replica Workshop (DIY) – Wax or plastic representations of dishes that many restaurants in Japan put on display to entice and inform patrons. We can learn and DIY here.

Gujo Hachiman Village

Shirakawa-go Village – One of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Japan. Houses built in the “gassho style” are defined as having a roof in the shape of a triangle, similar to hands folded in prayer.

Wada House

Shiroyama Observatory Deck – This is the best spot to obtain a panoramic view of Shirakawa-go Village.

食品模型创作馆(DIY)– 日本餐馆门口橱窗里摆放着各式美味料理的模型,在这里可以亲眼见到制作的全过程。


白川乡合掌村(世界遗产) – 于1995年列入世界文化遗产,因为冬天的景色如同童话故事中情景一般,故被誉为「冬日的童话村」。这是日本一种特殊的民宅形式,特色是以茅草覆盖的屋顶,呈人字型的屋顶如同双手合十一般,于是就被称为「合掌」。合掌造为木造建筑物,在兴建的过程中完全不用钉子,但仍然十分坚固。合掌造的屋顶十分陡峭,这是使积雪容易滑落不会堆积,以避免冬季的大雪将屋顶压垮。


天守阁展望台(白川乡全景)– 这里可以俯瞰美丽的童话合掌村。

Day 4
Shirakawa-go 白川乡 - Kanazawa 金泽 (B 早/L 午/D 晚餐)

Tulip Shikisai Hall – 600 kinds of species, 2.5 million of colorful tulips drove! During thne Expo, also held a variety of fashion flower show held so full of a lot of fun in the hall!! Useful tulip painting touching the ground and painted gourd pond water emerges rare flower beds, flower beds and other attractions in the power of love.

Ninja Village

Kenroku-en – one of the three most beautiful gardens in Japan. Means a garden combining the six attributes of a perfect garden. As a strolling-style landscape garden, it incorporates fancy designs in every corner, achieving peerless scenery in each season.up to this famous temple.

Gold Foil Museum

郁金香四季彩馆 – 600种品种,250万棵的郁金香色彩鲜艳地开着!博览会期间,也举办 召开各种各样的时尚花展等充满了很多乐趣!在会场里,有用郁金香画的动人的地上画及在葫芦池里浮现出罕见的水上花坛,爱的力量景点花坛等。


兼六园 – 日本三大名园之一。因兼具「六胜」的六种景观意境,而得此名。林泉回游式 庭园,随处可见的创意,酝酿出春、夏、秋、冬四季不同的风情,演绎出其他庭园无法比 拟的景观。

• 金箔博物馆

Day 5
Kanazawa 金泽 - Osaka 大阪 (B 早/L 午/D 晚餐)

Omicho Market (Seafood Market)

Tsutenkaku – There is a smell of Showa bustling street, a lot of fried string store this; that year Tsutenkaku Osaka landmarks, imitation is the Eiffel Tower in Paris; in the new world of the street you can see the inevitable Tsutenkaku.

Shinsaibashi Shopping Arcade – a covered shopping street, liveliest and it lines with an interesting shop.


新世界通天阁 – 是一条有昭和气息的繁华街,有很多炸串店这种;通天阁是当年的大阪地标,模仿的是巴黎埃菲尔铁塔;在新世界的街上必然可以看到通天阁。

心斋桥商店街 – 大阪最大的购物区,也是日本最长的天缝式购物街,集中了许多精品屋和专卖店还有很多饮食店,既有日本菜,也可以品尝到中国、韩国、亚洲、美洲和欧洲等 世界各个国家、各个地区不同的风味呢。

Day 6
Osaka 大阪 ✈ Departure 回程 (B 早/MOB 机上用餐)

Package Includes 配套包括:

  • Return economy class flight ticket 往返经济舱机票
  • 4 Nights at hotel accommodation. 4晚酒店住宿
  • Meals stated as per itinerary 行程中列明餐食
  • Malaysia departure levy, airport tax, YQ fuel 马来西亚出境税、机场税、燃油附加费
  • Return airport transfer 往返机场接送
  • All excursions and sightseeing as per itinerary 行程中包括的所有观光活动和景点参观
  • Gratuity 小费
  • Travel Insurance 旅游保险
  • Tour Guide Service 导游服务

Package Excludes 配套不包括:

  • Meals no state in itinerary. 行程中行程没有列明的午、晚餐
  • Hotel porter gratuity. 酒店行李员小费
  • Fuel surcharge subject to change (shall collect the difference if airline increases the charges). 燃油附加费可能会有变动(如航空公司加价,则收取差额)。
  • Others personal expenditure are not mention in itinerary. 所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支。

Hotel Accommodation 酒店住宿 (4 Nights 晚)

  • Nagoya Sun Route Hotel / Cypress Hotel or similar class x 1 Night
    名古屋 Sun Route酒店 / Cypress酒店 或同级 x 1 晚
  • Route Inn Grantia Hidatakayama / Hida Plaza Hotel or similar class x 1 Night
    高山 Route Inn酒店 / Hida Plaza温泉酒店 或同级 x 1 晚
  • Hotel Mystays Premier Kanazawa or similar class x 1 Night
    金泽 Mystays Premier酒店或同级 x 1 晚
  • Osaka Odysis Suites Hotel or similar class x 1 Night
    大阪 Odysis Suites酒店 或同级 x 1 晚

Remarks 备注:

  • Fuel surcharge subject to change (shall collect the difference if airline increases the charges).
  • With the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, some attractions, restaurants, hotels, etc. might be closed at the time of departure and shall be replaced by others without prior notice.
  • There will be no refund or replacement if the tour logistic is affected by the above issue. All pictures are for illustration purposes only.

6D4N Osaka/Shirakawa-go/Nagoya/Kanazawa

Currency & Exchange Rate 货币兑换率

100 JPY = MYR 3.70
100 日元 = 马币 3.70

Voltage & Power Socket 电压与插座

Voltage 电压 – almost always 100 V 伏特

类型 / Type A – 两脚扁型插头 / 2 flat blade pin
类型 / Type B – 两脚扁型+一圆型插头 / 2 flat blade pin + 1 round pin

Time Different 时差

Japan – 1 hour ahead of Malaysia

Luggage Allowance 行李托运

Each individual are entitled to check in 1 luggage of not more than 20 kg and a hand carry bag not more than 7 kg.

Weather 气候

● Spring 春季(3月 – 5月 Mar to May):20℃ – 6℃
● Summer 夏季(6月 – 8月 Jun to Aug):28℃ – 19℃
● Autumn 秋季(9月 – 11月 Sep to Nov):25℃ – 10℃
● Winter 冬季(12月 – 2月 Dec to Feb):13℃ – 3℃

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Osaka/ Shirakawa-go/ Nagoya/ Kanazawa (2023-24)

Contact Info

(1205544-W)(KPK/LN 8508)
No.78-01 (First Floor),
Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana,
81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]