5D4N Ho Chi Minh – Can Tho Floating Market – Tay Ninh – My Tho - 5 Days

5D4N Ho Chi Minh -Can Tho Floating Market – Tay Ninh – My Tho
5天4晚  探秘越南南部之旅 – 胡志明/芹苴/西宁黑婆山/美托湄公河

Daily Departure(每日出发),4 to go(4人成团) 

4-5 paxs 6-7 paxs 8-9 paxs Single  Sup +
HOTEL Per Adult Rate (RM)*
3* 胡志明:Đồng Khánh Hotel, Sen Việt hotel,Dang Donghotel

芹苴: Kim Tho hotel 

1,948 1,568 1,478 388
4* 胡志明:New Pacific hotel, Ramana hotel, Alagon Saigon, Harmony, Cochin Zen; Oscar Saigon

芹苴:Ninh Kieu hotel, Muong Thanh luxury can tho hotel 

2,098 1,698 1.588 588

* The above tour fare is subject to change based on currency fluctuation.

*Child Rate:

  • Children not occupying a separate bed: 65% of the package price.
  • Children occupying a separate bed: 85 % of the package price. (Children under 2 years old are free of charge).
  • Children aged 12 and above are charged the same as adults.

Tour Highlights 行程亮点:

  • 百年红教堂  The Hundreds Years Red Cathedral
  • 泰山岛 Thai Son Islet
  • 芹苴大教堂 Cathedral of Can Tho
  • 平水寺庙 Binh Thuy Pagoda
  • 丐冷水上市场 Cai Rang Floating Market
  •  西宁黑婆山 Tay Ninh Ba Den Mountain (Ba Den Mountain)
  • 西普陀山佛像 Tay Bo Da Son statue
  • (1) For booking this tour package or more inquiries, you can use the below method to contact our sales representative, we’ll serve you in a short while.

    (2) Prices shown are just guideline and are not guaranteed until purchase is completed.

    (3) All rates are subject to change without prior notice.

    (4) Payment by credit card is subject to admin charges.

    (5) Rates quoted are nett in Malaysian Ringgit (RM) based on PER PERSON BASIS.


Vibrating with energy, innovation and traffic – lots of traffic – Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, is the economic heart of Vietnam and the main hub of the southern region. A freewheeling, cosmopolitan metropolis, HCMC’s dynamic cityscape draws together old and new Vietnam in the most compact of spaces, representing the city’s past as well as its future. Let’s dive into this guide and discover what to explore in this city to make your Ho Chi Minh City tour the most valuable!


Day 1
第一天: 机场 - 胡志明市 HO CHI MINH ARRIVAL 晚餐/D

到达胡志明市的新山一飞机场游专业导游迎接前往胡志明市中心参观百年红教堂, 法国邮政局, 人民委员会,法国歌剧院,晚餐於当地餐厅。住胡志明
Upon arrival at Tan Son Nhat International Airport, our representative will meet and transfer to city center to visit The Hundreds Years Red Cathedral, Old Post Office, People’s Committee Hall, The French Opera House, dinner at local restaurant, overnight at hotel in Ho Chi Minh

Day 2
第二天: 胡志明 - 美拖 - 芹苴 HO CHI MINH – MY THO – CAN THO 早 / 午 / 晚餐 B/L/D

早餐后,乘车(约两个小时的车程)前往距离胡志明市75 公里的美拖市,沿途可欣赏郊区及湄公河平原区沿岸两旁青绿一片的丰饶稻田,路上停留参观永长庙。到达美拖后乘坐小船游湄公河参观泰山岛及在水果园,这里游客可品尝越南本地新鲜水果,龙眼蜜蜂茶,椰子糖,欣赏越南出名的民谣表演,午餐欣赏美拖驰名的-“越式油泡象耳鱼”,“ 恐龙蛋”。午餐后前往芹苴,参观芹苴大教堂,平水寺庙,芹苴桥。住宿芹苴。
After breakfast, departing for My Tho – about 75km from the city, On the way stop to visit Vinh Trang Pagoda. Arrival Mekong, take a leisurely boat ride along the river visit to Thai Son Islet and The Fruit Garden to enjoy the local fresh fruit, tasting the longan honey tea, coconut candy and enjoy Vietnam Traditional Folk – Song. Special Vietnamese lunch will be served with Mekong “Elephant Ear Fish” and “ Dinosaur Egg“. After lunch, transfer to Can Tho, take Can Tho city tour – Cathedral of Can Tho, Binh Thuy Pagoda, Can Tho Bridge etc. Overnight in Can Tho city.

Day 3
第三天: 芹苴 - 胡志明市 CAN THO – HO CHI MINH 早/ 午/ 晚餐 B/L/D

早餐於酒店,参观丐冷水上市场-在湄公河典型市场(早上5点到9点),参观越南农村的茅草屋,米厂,观察越式面条的制作,坐小船游过猴子桥。午餐於当地餐厅。返回胡志明市,参观唐人街,天后庙,越南出名漆器工厂和手工艺品,晚餐在於当地餐厅. 住胡志明
Breakfast at hotel. See round Cai Rang Floating Market (takes place from 05am to 09am), then to see the magnific natural setting and peaceful life in rural Vietnam with thatched cottages and visit the rice noodles making village. Lunch at local restaurant, then drive back to Sai Gon, visit Saigon China Town – Thien Hau Temple, continues to visit Vietnam famous Lacquerware Factory and Handicraft Center. Have dinner & overnight in Ho Chi Minh

Day 4
第四天: 胡志明 - 西宁黑婆山 HO CHI MINH – TAY NINH BA DEN MOUNTAIN 早/ 午/ 晚餐 B/L/D

早餐后,乘车前往 西宁黑婆山 (Ba Den山)旅游区越南南部最高的山峰,西宁人土地的象征。抵达后游客到缆车站,乘缆车前往云山峰。西宁黑婆顶比海拔986米高,被称为“第一天山”. 游客可欣赏雄伟地矗立在山顶上的 西普陀山佛像(Tay Bo Da Son 雕像)。曾创下“亚洲最高的山顶青铜佛像”的记录. 午餐后, 返回胡志明市参观: 统一府又称独立宫 是之前南越总统的住所、也是之前南越的军事基地。滨城市场,此市场的规模很大,是游客购物的绝佳场所. 住胡志明。
After breakfast, drive to Tay Ninh Ba Den Mountain (Ba Den Mountain) tourism area, the highest mountain in southern Vietnam, the symbol of the land of Tay Ninh people. After arriving, tourists go to the cable car station and take the cable car to Van Son Peak. Tay Bo Da Son statue stands majestically on the top of the mountain. Once set the record of “Asia’s highest mountaintop bronze Buddha statue”. After lunch, return to Ho Chi Minh City to visit: Reunification Palace, also known as Independence Palace, was the residence of the former South Vietnamese president and the former South Vietnamese military base. And Ben Thanh Market, where is very large and is an excellent place for tourists to shop. Stay in Ho Chi Minh city. overnight in Ho Chi Minh

Day 5
第五天: 胡志明 HO CHI MINH - 机场 AIRPORT 早餐 / B

After breakfast, free at leisure then transfer to airport for flight home.

****** 以上行程仅供参考,最后由当地旅行社安排为标准 ******
****** The above itinerary is for reference only, and the final arrangements will be based on the local travel agency’s schedule ******

Package Includes 配套包括:

  • 4 晚星级酒店住宿。4 nights star hotel accommodation.
  • 行程特色:餐饮7正4早,餐饮附送水果,越南春卷,美拖水果餐,油泡象魚風味餐, 越式自助餐 7 Meals and 4 breakfasts included, Meals come with fruit (Vietnamese spring rolls, Mytho fruit platter, Mytho Elephant Ear Fish Meal, Vietnamese buffet)
  • 全程中文导游 Chinese speaking tour guide during the tour.
  • 全程冷气交通载送服务 Transportation by private air-conditioner.
  • 行程列出之景点观光(含门票)。Sightseeing in schedule with entrance fees.
  • 每人每天1瓶500毫升矿泉水。01 bottle (500 ml) of drinking water for each pax per day.

Package Excludes 配套不包括:

  • 国际 / 国内航班机票与机场税 (如有) International / Domestic flight ticket & airport tax (if have).
  • 旅游保险(我们可协助马来西亚国籍旅客办理保险,其他国外旅客请自行在原籍地签购保险配套) Travel Insurance (we can help Malaysian to arrange, foreigner please purchase at own country).
  • 所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支 Others personal expenditure are not mention in itinerary.
  • 当地导游与导游司机小费:美金 3元 / 每人 / 每天) Compulsory Tip for local guide and driver (USD3/pax/day).
  • 其它语言指南附加费。Surcharge with other languages guide.
  • 旅游旺季与假期酒店附加费。Hotel surcharge in Peak Season or holidays.
  • 酒店 单房差,行李员小费 Surcharge for Single Sup ,Bell Boy Tips
  • The timing of sightseeing points shall be fixing by local operator due to traffic and weather conditions, however all points must cover unless amendment or cancellation make by clients themselves (Non-refundable for any cancellation that made by clients).
  • Tour and price are subject to change without notice or in case of deduct number of pax in quoted group.
  • Small deviations in the tour program are sometimes necessary, depending on weather, road conditions, flight schedules and room availability.
  • Supplement charge for room rate in peak dates depends on the hotel category used. Compulsory gala dinner on X’mas, New Year’s Eve & Lunar New Year’s Eve to be advised upon booking. Prices for group of 15 persons up in 5 stars hotels sometime requires to re-quote bases on the hotel policy.
  • 由于交通和天气状况,当地旅行社有权更改观光景点与时间,除非客户自己进行修改或取消行程,否则所有景点都必须涵盖(对于客户的任何取消均不予退还)。
  • 行程和价格如有更改,恕不另行通知。
  • 当地旅行社将有权更改航班时刻表,恕不另行通知(视天气,道路状况和空房情况而定)。
  • 高峰期房型附加费取决于所使用的酒店类别。将于预定时告知的圣诞节、新年前夕与农历新年除夕期间的强制性节庆晚宴费用。15人团体5星级酒店价格需依据有关酒店政策重新报价。

Hotel surcharge in Peak Season or holidays 酒店旺季或假期附加费项目:
– Chinese New Year 农历新年
– The Dead Anniversary of Hung Kings (the 10th of March lunar month) 洪国王逝世周年(农历3月10日)
– Saigon Liberation Day (30 April) 西贡解放日(4月30日)
– International Worker’s Day (1 May) 劳动节(5月1日)
– Vietnamese National Day (September 2) 越南国庆日(9月2日)
– Gala Dinner on X’Mas (24 Dec) 圣诞节晚宴(12月24日)
– New Year 31 Dec 跨年新年(12月31日)

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

5D4N Ho Chi Minh – Can Tho Floating Market – Tay Ninh – My Tho

Contact Info

(1205544-W)(KPK/LN 8508)
No.78-01 (First Floor),
Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana,
81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]