5D4N Hainan The Celebration Never Closes Tour (SIC) - 5 Days

5D4N Hainan The Celebration Never Closes Tour (SIC 10 To Go)
5天4晚 海南狂欢不打烊之旅 (地接拼团-10人成行)

Valid until 有效日期至 08/2025

Hotel 酒店 :4+5 星 :
Departure Every Mon / 周一出发日期 :
Tour Fare
团费每人 (RM)
17/0324/03 RM2199
07/0414/0421/0428/04 RM1999
05/0512/0519/0526/05 RM2199
02/06(假期) RM2499
09/0616/0623/0630/06 RM1999
07/0714/0721/0728/07 RM1999
04/0811/0818/0825/08 RM1999

备注 Remarks :

20 people for a private group. Groups of 10 or more can be combined. For groups of 2 to 10 people, please inquire about the possibility of joining a seat in coach group.
** 以上价格可能会因汇率波动而有所变化 Price subject to change based on currency fluctuation. **

航班时间 Flights Details
KUL-HAK      FY3970      08:15-11:55
HAK-KUL      FY3971       12:55-16:25

小孩价 Child Rate :

  • 小孩不占床 – Child No Bed :-RM 150
  • 小孩占床与大人同价 – Child With Bed Same With Adult Fare

行程亮点 Tour Highlights

  • 海花 岛 1 号岛
  • 南山 108 米海上观音
  • 亿恒夜市
  • 亚龙湾国际玫瑰谷
  • 骑楼老街

特色美食 Special Gourmet  : (不足 10 人无风味餐)

  • 新海府风味,文昌鸡,海南椰子鸡,自助海鲜餐。

购物站 Shopping Stop:

  • 健康生活馆
  • 鱼油

推介自费 Optional Tour  :

  • 三亚宋城千古情歌舞秀 (RMB320)
  • 豪华船游三亚湾+啤酒/饮料任饮 (RMB250)


(1) For booking this tour package or more inquiries, you can use the below method to contact our sales representative, we’ll serve you in a short while.

(2) Prices shown are just guideline and are not guaranteed until purchase is completed.

(3) All rates are subject to change without prior notice.

(4) Payment by credit card is subject to admin charges.

(5) Rates quoted are nett in Malaysian Ringgit (RM) based on PER PERSON BASIS.


Hainan Island, located in the southern part of China, is known as the “Hawaii of the East” due to its tropical climate, pristine beaches, and stunning natural beauty. In recent years, Hainan has undergone significant development, becoming a popular tourist destination with new attractions to explore.

海南岛位于中国南部,因其热带气候、原始海滩和迷人的自然美景而被誉为“东方夏威夷”。 近年来,海南取得了长足的发展,成为热门的旅游目的地,并有新的探索点。


Day 1
吉隆坡✈海口-海花岛 HAK-Ocean Flower Island(机上餐/中/自理/ MOB/L/Self-care)

从国际机场出发,乘搭客机飞往中国最南端的城市﹣海口市,又称”椰城”,中国最大经济特区海南省的省会,全省政治、经济、文化、商贸和交通中心。随后前往【福山咖啡文化风情小镇】(在福山湖畔品尝一杯沉浸式烘焙福山咖啡),海南最美小镇,中国咖啡第一镇。登【海花岛 1 号岛】游览 6 大风情商业街,600 家寰球商店 8 大主题美食街,10 大滨海茶楼,80 家特色主题酒吧,多元化国际商业街,满足全岛游客美食购物、休闲娱乐。【海花岛明清风情美食街】你可以品尝明清、苏州、川西、东南亚等多种风情美食;前往【婚礼庄园】+【海花岛灯光秀】(岛上灯光开放属于海花岛管理,如不开放我社不做任何赔偿)欣赏顶级声光电技术打造的光影盛宴,绚丽夺目的灯光与美轮美奂的建筑交相辉映,灯光璀璨流光溢彩。
酒店:A 海花岛指定酒店或同级 5 星
Take the flight to Haikou City, the beautiful “cliff city” of the international tourist island, and pick up and go to lunch. Then we transfer to [Fushan Coffee Federation Town].The most beautiful town in Hainan, the first town of Chinese coffee.(Free a cup of Fushan special coffee and special snacks). Then transfer to check in the No.1 [Ocean Flower Island] and travel around of he [Ming and Qing Dynasty architectural style commercial street ] + [Ocean Flower Island Wedding Manor ] + [Ocean Flower Island Light Show(The lighting on the island belongs to the management of Haihua Island, if not open, we will not do any compensation)] Enjoy the light and shadow feast createdby the top sound and photoelectric technology.
Hotel:AB Ocean Flower Island Hotel or similar 5*

Day 2
海花岛-三亚 Ocean Flower Island -Sanya (早/中/晚餐/ B/L/D )

早餐后,游览【南山 108 米海上观音】(含电瓶车)高達 108 米的世界級南海海上观音就建在南山的海面上,体验【抱佛脚】乘四层电梯等上观音脚下“抱佛脚”祈福。隨後開啟最令人激動的海陸空專案:體驗一段令人興奮的空中旅程【直升飞机低空飞行体验 1 公里】,备注:100公斤以上客人不能登机;360°無死角的直升機低空觀光體驗,感受 不一樣的三亞視角,與直升機合影,拍炫爆朋友圈的高級美圖大片(赠送项目,无退费)。游览三亚网红【亿恒夜市】成为海南首条把占道经营与民生问题和特色旅游相结合的街道 ,是海南旅游的亮点。车览【椰梦长廊】有”亚洲第一大道”之称,曲线优美,海水清澈见底。
酒店:A 三亚指定酒店或同级 4 星
After breakfast,transfer to visit the【Nanshan Cultural Tourism Area】 (including battery car) , which is a large industrial park displaying the traditional Chinese Buddhist culture. Although the Nanshan cultural tourism area attractions, but the spectacular 108 meters sea. Free ride of the [Helicopter experience 1km] ,experience the low-altitude beauty from a different perspective, overlooking the beauty of the coast, take photos with helicopter, and take a beautiful picture of the circle of friends.Visit Sanya [Yiheng Night Market],which has become the first street in Hainan to combine road occupation with people’s livelihood issues and characteristic tourism, which is a bright spot of Hainan .Bus tour [Coconut Dream Corridor] and night in the landmark building of Phoenix Island Holiday hotel in Sanya.
Hotel:A Sanya Hotel or similar 4*

Day 3
三亚-三亚 Sanya-Sanya (早/中/晚餐/ B/L/D )

早餐后:外观三亚地标【大树酒店建筑群】,也被称为“树屋”,以九棵大树为设计创意的建筑群。前往参观【海产品】(游览约 90 分钟),集海洋生特健康产业,展示了海洋生物的无穷魅力。前往独具韵味的原住民风情【槟榔谷黎苗文化旅游区】(电瓶车),中国首个民族文化型 5A 级景区,神秘迷人的原始雨林风光激越多姿的少数民族娱乐,让你流连忘返。
酒店:A 三亚指定酒店或同级 4 星
After breakfast,car view of the [Crown Beauty Tree Hotel] the world’s most, Shanghai Guinness World Record Hotel.we transfer to [Fish Oil shop] to collect the Marine special health industry and show the infinite charm of Marine life.Then transfer to [Binglanggu Limiao Minority Culture 5A Tourist Zone ](including battery car) , enter the mysterious and charming original rain forest wind, experience the most local
Hainan Li and Miao national culture.
Hotel:A Sanya Hotel or similar 4*

Day 4
三亚-海口 Sanya-Haikou(早/中/自助海鲜/ B/L/Sea-food buffet dinner)

早餐后:游览【亚龙湾国际玫瑰谷】(含电瓶车)以美丽、浪漫、爱为主题,亚洲规模最大的玫瑰谷,让您触景生情,尽情释放您的浪漫情怀。参观【健康生活馆】秉承“科技、环保、健康、时尚”的品牌理念,打造极致享受的生活方式,让身体与大自然亲密接触(游览约 90分钟)。车览【石梅湾环海公路】“十大最美海湾”石梅湾,两弯新月似的美丽海湾,周围满是植被清幽茂密低缓的小山坡悬崖,后边则有大片高大的青皮林环绕着环海公路。游览【云洞图书馆】打卡中国十大建筑名单的图书馆,可以瞭望世纪大桥。
酒店:A 海口指定酒店或同级 4 星
Visit [Healthy living halll ] into the bamboo charcoal kingdom, bamboo charcoal is known as the “black diamond” reputation, known as the “new guard of bamboo charcoal fiber in the 21st century”.Photo in [Shimei bay ring sea road] , there is a beautiful road – Wanning coastal highway, this “story” road, assembled the most beautiful scenery, sea sunset… along the “Chinese version of highway No.1” .Visit [Yalong Bay International Rose Valley] (including buggy), Asia’s largest rose valley, themed around beauty, romance, and love, where you can immerse yourself in the scenery and indulge in your romantic feelings. Appearance [Yundong Library + Century Bridge], you will be attracted by the charming light and shadow effects, the whole space through the huge glass curtain wall, just like you are in a cloud. This is one of the reasons why it is called the “cloud Cave”.
Hotel:A Haikou Hotel or similar 4*

Day 5
海口✈吉隆坡 Hak✈KL (早/机上餐/ B/MOB)

游览【骑楼老街】距今 90 多年历史,是历史文化名街。大大小小有六百多栋几层高的小楼,是上世纪南洋归国华侨借鉴南洋风格建筑返回家乡所建。我社将根据航班时间安排专业司机送机。
After breakfast, [Haikou Arcade Old Street】Haikou Arcade Old Street is one of the most Nanyang architectural style street landscapes in Haikou City.Take a bus to Haikou Meilan International Airport and fly back to your beautiful home.

***最后確認的行程將以旅行團抵達各地后接待社安排為准, 在不可預知的情況之下, 敝社保留刪改行程內容的權力, 恕不預先通知***


  • 来回机票+20Kg行李托运 +飞机餐
  • 4晚当地星级酒店
  • 团队签证 5人或以上
  • 行程中列明餐食
  • 行程中包括的所有观光活动和景点参观
  • 司机兼导游服务+小费
  • 每人每天赠送矿泉水


  • 机场税
  • 新山-吉隆坡来回机场接送
  • 单房差 (客人出现单男单女需要按实际价格补单房差 - 备注:酒店无正规三人间、5 星级无加床)
  • 行程中行程没有列明的餐
  • 中国签证 (如需要)
  • 旅游保险
  • 酒店行李员小费
  • 所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支。
  • 护照有效期必须至少6个月以上。
  • 客人出现单男单女需要按实际价格补单房差(备注:酒店无正规三人间、5 星级无加床)
  • 购物站可根据当地情况调整更换。高速路休息站特产店、景区内购物商店不属于购物站。
  • 1位成人与1位儿童一房,儿童与成人同价。
  • 此报价不含黄金周和春节,我社可根据天气原因调整景点顺序。
  • 行程已经包含老人小孩优惠票价若产生费用不退,出发当天取消来琼者全部费用不退。
  • 每团至少 10 名成人才铁定出发,如果团队人数少于 10 人,則由 海南地接自行决定拼团继续或取消此行程,成员必需接受此安排。
  • 额外附加费:中国、印度、马来本土籍人士需补差价+RM300/人
  • 上述行程仅供参考,正确行程乃依照当地接待社按当时实际状况重新调整为主。
  • 团队预定后不可更改或取消
  • 图片仅供参考。

5D4N Hainan The Celebration Never Closes Tour

Currency & Exchange Rate 货币兑换率

10 CNY 元 = MYR 马币 6.70

Voltage & Power Socket 电压与插座

● Voltage 电压 – almost always 220 V 伏特
● 类型/ Type A – 两脚扁型插头/ 2 flat blade pin
● 类型/ Type B – 两脚扁型+一圆型插头/ 2 flat blade pin + 1 round pin
● 类型/ Type I – 八字扁型脚+接地孔 / 3 Oblique flat blade pin “V-shape”

Time Different 时差

China – No time different with Malaysia
中国 – 时间与马来西亚时间标准时无相差

Luggage Allowance 行李托运

Each individual are entitled to check in 1 luggage of not more than 20 kg and a hand carry bag not more than 7 kg.

Weather 气候

● Summer 夏季
1月 – 12月(Jan to Dec): 25℃ ~ 30℃

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

5D4N Hainan The Celebration Never Closes Tour (SIC)

Contact Info

(1205544-W)(KPK/LN 8508)
No.78-01 (First Floor),
Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana,
81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]