4D3N Discover the Beauty of Phu Quoc Island - 4 Days

4D3N Phu Quoc Vinwonder Theme Park – Safari World – Grand World – Sun World Hon Thom Island
43富国岛珍珠游乐园 – 野生动物园 – 大世界“不夜城” – 香岛太阳游乐园

Valid Till 30-Apr-2025

Daily Departure(每日出发),10 to go(10人成团

10 – 15 Paxs Single  Sup +
HOTEL Per Adult Rate (RM)*
4* 富国岛 : AVS Hotel, Ocean Pearl Hotel, Aquasun, Tahiti Beach 1,428 378
5* 富国岛Wyndham Grand Phu Quoc 1,638 588

* 自费项目 Optional Tour : 富国岛足底按摩  Foot Massage: RM170 

* 以上价格仅供参考,价格会跟随汇率有所波动 ,

* The above tour fare is subject to change based on currency fluctuation

* Child Rate:

  • Children not occupying a separate bed: 70% of the package price.
  • Children occupying a separate bed: 90 % of the package price. (Children under 2 years old are free of charge).
  • Children aged 12 and above are charged the same as adults.

Tour Highlights 行程亮点:

  • 桑奈托日落海滩 Sunset Sanato 
  • 太阳游乐园 Sun World Hon Thom
  • 富国岛大世界商业街 Grand World Phu Quoc
  • 富国岛珍珠乐园 Vinwonder Theme Park
  • 珍珠乐园野生动物园 Safari World Pearl Kingdom
  • (1) For booking this tour package or more inquiries, you can use the below method to contact our sales representative, we’ll serve you in a short while.

    (2) Prices shown are just guideline and are not guaranteed until purchase is completed.

    (3) All rates are subject to change without prior notice.

    (4) Payment by credit card is subject to admin charges.

    (5) Rates quoted are nett in Malaysian Ringgit (RM) based on PER PERSON BASIS.


Phu Quoc Island, located off the southwestern coast of Vietnam, is a tropical paradise renowned for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush natural landscapes.

The island offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, with opportunities for sunbathing, snorkeling, exploring vibrant coral reefs, and trekking through dense jungles.

With its vibrant local culture, delectable seafood, and stunning sunsets, Phu Quoc Island is an idyllic destination for travelers seeking an unforgettable beach getaway.

Location Map:


Day 1
吉隆坡 - 富国岛 晚餐

自行前往机场,乘搭航班飞往富国岛。 护国寺 是富国岛最大的寺庙之一,整座寺庙面向 大海,除了来参拜,也可以来俯视海景。 桑奈托日落海滩 沙滩上有各种超乎想象的艺术装置,是在 富国岛捕捉日落时刻的最佳地点。富国阳东夜市 是富国岛上最大夜市,夜市内有不少海鲜 摊贩与餐厅,伴手礼,还有现在越南很流 行的炒冰,各种越南小吃。

Kuala Lumpur – Phu Quoc D
Take your own flight to Phu Quoc. Ho Quoc Pagoda It is one of the largest temples on the island of Phu Quoc, and the whole temple faces the sea, so you can come and look down on the sea view in addition to coming to worship. Sunset Sanato With over-the-top art installations on the beach, it’s the perfect place to capture the sunset moment on Phu Quoc Island. Phu Quoc Night Market It is the largest night market on Phu Quoc Island, with many seafood stalls and restaurants, Vietnamese souvenirs, fried ice cream, which is now popular in Vietnam, and a variety of Vietnamese snacks

Day 2
富国岛 早午晚餐

早餐后,前往最长跨海缆车 世界上最长的跨海缆车,全程7.9公里,横 跨了五个小岛。可以看到密密麻麻的船只和 一个个小小的村庄,360度自然美景环绕。太阳游乐园 有世界最长木造云霄飞车、360度旋转景 观塔,还有Aquatopia 水上乐园。落日小镇 富国岛必打卡点之一,一个带有地中海风 格的建筑小镇,很有欧洲的感觉。镇上有 一座接吻桥,黄昏的时候拍照特出片。富国岛大世界商业街 富国岛北部著名景点“富国岛小威尼斯”。

Phu Quoc B/L/D
After breakfast, head to Hon Thom Cable Car The longest cable car in the world, covering 7.9 kilometers and spanning five small islands. You can see dense boats and small villages surrounded by 360 degrees of natural beauty. Sun World Hon Thom There’s the world’s longest wooden roller coaster, a 360-degree rotating landscape tower, and Aquatopia water park. Sunset Town Phu Quoc Island must be one of the card points, a Mediterranean-style architecture town, very European feeling. There is a kissing bridge in the town, and it is a great place to take pictures at dusk. Grand World Phu Quoc “Little Venice of Phu Quoc Island”, a famous spot in the northern part of Phu Quoc Island

Day 3
富国岛亚洲主题公园 + 野生动物园 早午晚餐

早餐后,前往Vinwonder Theme Park富国岛亚洲主题公园,体验各种的游戏,享受精彩的表演。午餐后继前往Safari world 国岛珍珠王国野生动物园,被认为是越南最大的动物园。这里拥有400种植物,2000种野生动物代表140种不同的物种,其中许多被认为是罕见和濒临灭绝的保护动物

Phu Quoc B/L/D
After breakfast, head to Vinwonder Theme Park in Phu Quoc Island to experience various games and enjoy wonderful performances. After lunch, proceed to Safari world Pearl Kingdom Wildlife Park, which is considered the largest zoo in Vietnam. There are 400 species of plants and 2,000 species of wild animals representing 140 different species, many of which are considered rare and endangered

Day 4
富国岛 – 吉隆坡 早餐

早餐后,前往舅舅庙小庙建在三面环海的礁石上,渔民们出海 前都回去舅舅庙里祈求平安丰收归来。 送往机场,返回温暖的家

Phu Quoc – Airport B
After breakfast, head to Dinh Cau Temple A small temple built on the reef surrounded by sea on three sides, the fishermen go back to the Dinh Cau Shrine before going out to sea to pray for a safe and fruitful return. Proceed to airport for your flight back home with unforgettable memories

****** 以上行程仅供参考,最后由当地旅行社安排为标准 ******
****** The above itinerary is for reference only, and the final arrangements will be based on the local travel agency’s schedule ******

Package Includes 配套包括:

  • 3 晚星级酒店住宿。
  • 行程特色:餐饮5正3早,餐饮附送水果, 富国岛越式风味餐,香岛自助餐
  • 全程中文导游
  • 全程冷气交通载送服务
  • 行程列出之景点观光(含门票)
  • 每人每天1瓶500毫升矿泉水
  • 3 nights star hotel accommodation.
  • 5 Meals and 3 breakfasts included
  • Meals come with fruit, Vietnamese cuisine of Phu Quoc Island, Thom Island buffet
  • Chinese speaking tour guide during the tour.
  • Transportation by private air-conditioner.
  • sightseeing in schedule with entrance fees.
  • 01 bottle (500 ml) of drinking water for each pax per day.

Package Excludes 配套不包括:

  • 国际 / 国内航班机票与机场税
  • 旅游保险(我们可协助马来西亚国籍旅客办理保险,其他国外旅客请自行在原籍地签购保险配套)
  • 所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支
  • 当地导游与导游司机小费:美金 3元 / 每人 / 每天
  • 其它语言指南附加费
  • 旅游旺季与假期酒店附加费
  • 酒店 单房差,行李员小费
  • International / Domestic flight ticket & airport tax
  • Travel Insurance (we can help Malaysian to arrange, foreigner please purchase at own country).
  • Others personal expenditure are not mention in itinerary.
  • Compulsory Tip for local guide and driver (USD3/pax/day).
  • Surcharge with other languages guide.
  • Hotel surcharge in Peak Season or holidays.
  • Surcharge for Single Sup ,Bell Boy Tips
  • The timing of sightseeing points shall be fixing by local operator due to traffic and weather conditions, however all points must cover unless amendment or cancellation make by clients themselves (Non-refundable for any cancellation that made by clients).
  • Tour and price are subject to change without notice or in case of deduct number of pax in quoted group.
  • Small deviations in the tour program are sometimes necessary, depending on weather, road conditions, flight schedules and room availability.
  • Supplement charge for room rate in peak dates depends on the hotel category used. Compulsory gala dinner on X’mas, New Year’s Eve & Lunar New Year’s Eve to be advised upon booking. Prices for group of 15 persons up in 5 stars hotels sometime requires to re-quote bases on the hotel policy.
  • 由于交通和天气状况,当地旅行社有权更改观光景点与时间,除非客户自己进行修改或取消行程,否则所有景点都必须涵盖(对于客户的任何取消均不予退还)。
  • 行程和价格如有更改,恕不另行通知。
  • 当地旅行社将有权更改航班时刻表,恕不另行通知(视天气,道路状况和空房情况而定)。
  • 高峰期房型附加费取决于所使用的酒店类别。将于预定时告知的圣诞节、新年前夕与农历新年除夕期间的强制性节庆晚宴费用。15人团体5星级酒店价格需依据有关酒店政策重新报价。

Hotel surcharge in Peak Season or holidays 酒店旺季或假期附加费项目:
– Chinese New Year 农历新年
– The Dead Anniversary of Hung Kings (the 10th of March lunar month) 洪国王逝世周年(农历3月10日)
– Saigon Liberation Day (30 April) 西贡解放日(4月30日)
– International Worker’s Day (1 May) 劳动节(5月1日)
– Vietnamese National Day (September 2) 越南国庆日(9月2日)
– Gala Dinner on X’Mas (24 Dec) 圣诞节晚宴(12月24日)
– New Year 31 Dec 跨年新年(12月31日)

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

4D3N Discover the Beauty of Phu Quoc Island

Contact Info

(1205544-W)(KPK/LN 8508)
No.78-01 (First Floor),
Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana,
81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]