11天9晚穿越北疆域见晉榮 – 乌鲁木齐 | 奇台 | 阿勒泰 | 禾木 | 贾登峪 | 布尔津 | 卡拉玛依 | 博乐 | 奎屯
11D9N Towards Northern Xinjiang With Jin Rong – Urumqi | Qitai | Altay | Hemu | Jiadengyu | Burqin | Karamay | Bole | Kuytun
团号 Tour Code : CNTNX11_JR
每人全包从 RM 13,164起
11D9N 出发日期:17 Sep 2025
航班时间 Flight Details : Malaysia Airline
- 16-Sep-2025 MH 8828 KUL/URC 2340–0625+1
- 26-Sep-2025 MH 8829 URC/KUL 1030–1715
- Flight schedule above is subject to change.
Customer is required to re-confirm the latest flight schedule with our Tour Consultant before proceeding to purchase any domestic and / or transportation tickets.
Remarks: NO DEVIATION ALLOWED - Definition: Adult (12 years and above)
Child with Bed & Child No Bed (2 – 11 years)
Infant (Below 2 years)
行程亮点 Tour Highlights :
- [体验] 塞外骑马体验 | 包机直飞乌鲁木齐 – 省时省力
- Horse Riding Experience | Hassle Free journey with direct flight to Urumuqi
- 禾木村是新疆最美丽的村庄之一 走进“上帝的花园” – 喀纳斯湖风景区 (2次入进景区) “大西洋最后一滴眼泪” – 赛里木湖 被大自然打翻后的调色板 – 江布拉克草原地质奇观, 绝美的自然景观 – 草原石城
- One of the most beautiful village in China – Hemu Village Steps in the “God’s Garden” Kanas Lake Reserve Nature (2 times entry to scenic area) Sayram Lake known as “Atlantic Last Drop of Tear” Jiangbulake Grassland “The Palette Touched by Nature Grassland Stone Forest – Geological Wonders and the Breathtaking Natural Landscapes
特色美食 Special Gourmet :
- 烤全羊风味 | 烤肉风味 | 阿吾丹羊脖风味 | 蒙古宴 | 酒店自助餐
- Whole Roasted Lamb| Roasted Pork Cuisine | Lamb Neck Cuisine | Mongolia Cuisine | Hotel Buffet
(1) For booking this tour package or more inquiries, you can use the below method to contact our sales representative, we’ll serve you in a short while.
- Use either green ICON below to get in touch with us.
- Fill up the below form
- Email >> [email protected]
- Call >> +6011-2608 0128
(2) Prices shown are just guideline and are not guaranteed until purchase is completed.
(3) All rates are subject to change without prior notice.
(4) Payment by credit card is subject to admin charges.
(5) Rates quoted are nett in Malaysian Ringgit (RM) based on PER PERSON BASIS.
Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, is the mostdistant city from the ocean among those with over 1 million people.
Xinjiang covers an area of 1.66 million square kilometers, five times of Malaysia. Driving non stop from south to north takes 3 days, while a flight from Altay to Kashgar takes about 3 hours! With attractions far apart, daily drives are around 200-300 km.