5 Days 4 Nights Hainan Experience – Ocean Flower Island Tour (SIC) - 5 Days

5 Days 4 Nights Hainan Experience – Ocean Flower Island Tour (SIC)
5天4晚 海南岛-海花岛环岛逍遥游 

4人出发 – 4 To Go

有效日期至 : 31/12/2024:

4人 5 – 9 人 单房差 +
Hotel 酒店 :4+5 星 Tour Fare 团费每人 – RM : 
5* 海花岛 – 欧堡大酒店或同等级

( 海花岛5星欧堡酒店没有三人间,单住补房差:RM350/PAX )

4* 三亚  – 四季海庭大酒店或同等级

4* 海口 – 兴泰奥海酒店或同级

保证自费 Compulsory Optional :RMB550 / PAX – 南山海上观音+槟榔谷+玫瑰谷+海洋馆

推介自费 Optional :三亚千古情 RMB380/ PAX ; 博鳌会址玉带滩船游 RMB200 / PAX







** 以上价格可能会因汇率波动而有所变化 ** 

** Price subject to change based on currency fluctuation. **

小孩价格 Child Rate:

  • 小孩不占床 – Child No Bed :50%
  • 小孩占床与大人同价 – Child With Bed Same With Adult Fare

Tour Highlights 行程亮点

  • 海花岛 Ocean Flower Island + 海洋馆 Ocean Park Pavilion
  • 槟榔谷 Binglanggu
  • 南山108米海上观音 The 108-Meter Tall Statue Of The Nanhai Guanyin Buddha
  • 亚龙湾玫瑰谷 Rose Valley

Special Gourmet 特色美食:

  • 美食特色: 赠送:海底餐厅海鲜午餐+南山纯手工素斋+特色宴+风味餐(8人以上方可安排
  • Authentic meals : Seafood Banquet,  Nanshan Vegetarian Feast,(meals included free for tour groups of over 8 people).

Shopping Stop 购物站:

  • 乳胶 Latex Mattress
  • 海产 Seafood Products


  • (1) For booking this tour package or more inquiries, you can use the below method to contact our sales representative, we’ll serve you in a short while.

    (2) Prices shown are just guideline and are not guaranteed until purchase is completed.

    (3) All rates are subject to change without prior notice.

    (4) Payment by credit card is subject to admin charges.

    (5) Rates quoted are nett in Malaysian Ringgit (RM) based on PER PERSON BASIS.


Hainan Island, located in the southern part of China, is known as the “Hawaii of the East” due to its tropical climate, pristine beaches, and stunning natural beauty. In recent years, Hainan has undergone significant development, becoming a popular tourist destination with new attractions to explore.

海南岛位于中国南部,因其热带气候、原始海滩和迷人的自然美景而被誉为“东方夏威夷”。 近年来,海南取得了长足的发展,成为热门的旅游目的地,并有新的探索点。


Day 1
海口美兰机场接机 Haikou Arrival 《含:午餐 / L 》

Take your own flight to Haikou Meilan Airport. Upon arrival meet and greet by our tour guide. After lunch we will proceed to Ocean Flower Island, where you can freely go to the Local Culture Themed Street, the Wedding Manor, Twin Beach, the Museum. Visit the Ocean Park Pavilion: See the penguins, beluga whales, polar bears etc. In the evening, you can enjoy the light show!

宿:海花岛 5星酒店 <欧堡大酒店>
Accommodation: Ocean Flower Island 5-Star Hotel: Castle Hotel

Day 2
Sanya 三亚 《含:早餐,午餐,晚餐 B/L/D 》

After breakfast, proceed to Sanya. Visit Binglanggu; a very famous local cultural site, where you can see elderly women with tattooed faces and legs, an ancient custom for the Li people. This is a unique piece of culture found on Hainan Island only, and is known to anthropologists as ‘Hainan’s Dun Huang Frescoes’. It is a rare opportunity, as it is an art that is not expected to survive into the next generation. Then visit the Dadonghai seaside area. In the evening, you can enjoy the Sanya Romance Park show (at you own expense). For many it is a must-see show, it is regarded as a feast for the eyes, and it will surely leave you with another wonderful memory of your trip to Hainan.

宿:三亚 4星酒店 <四季海庭大酒店或同级>
Accommodation: Sanya: 4 -Star Hotel: Four Seasons Ocean Courtyard Hotel or equivalent level hotel.

Day 3
Sanya 三亚 《含:早餐,午餐,晚餐 B/L/D 》

After breakfast, visit Luhuitou Park, also known as ‘Deer Town’. Visit a Health Centre. After that, visit the Nanshan Buddhism Cultural Park. The highlight of which is to pay respects to the 108-meter tall statue of the Nanhai Guanyin Buddha. It is very impressive and leaves most visitors quite awe-inspired. Enjoy views of the coconut palm-lined coastal avenues and the “Crown of Beauty’’ which was the location of the Miss World Contest from the coach.

宿:三亚 4星酒店 <四季海庭大酒店或同级>
Accommodation: SANYA: 4 -Star Hotel: Four Seasons Ocean Courtyard Hotel or equivalent level hotel.

Day 4
Haikou海口 《含:早餐,午餐,晚餐 B/L/D 》

After breakfast, visit Rose Valley, a very peaceful and beautiful place. Visit Life Centre. In the afternoon proceed to Qionghai City, the Wanquan River and very near to the sea, the Exhibition Centre for the Boao Forum for Asia (at you own expense) which is a very famous international conference. Visit the Boao Forum conference site, then go to the Jade Beach by cruise. Experience the atmosphere of this amazing area where all of Asia’s top political and business leaders gather together each year. Return to Haikou

宿:海口 4星酒店 <兴泰粤海酒店或同级>
Accommodation: HAIKOU 4 -Star Hotel: Guangdong Hotel or equivalent level hotel.

Day 5
海口美兰机场送机 Haikou Departure 《含:早餐 / B 》

After breakfast, proceed to Haikou airport. Your perfect tour of Hainan is coming to an end. But you will depart with great memories of Hainan Island, memories that we hope will remain with you for a lifetime.

The itinerary is subject to final confirmation and to the actual local arrangement . on the condition that no scenic spot is left out , the exact sequence and timing of the itinerary is subject to change without prior notice.

Package Includes 配套包括:

  • 3 Night at Local 4★ hotel + 1 Night Local 5★ Hotel 3晚 海口当地4★酒店, 1晚当地5★酒店
  • Meals stated as per itinerary 行程中列明餐食
  • All excursions and sightseeing as per itinerary 行程中包括的所有观光活动和景点参观
  • Driver cum guide service 司机兼导游服务

Package Excludes 配套不包括:

  • Return economy class flight ticket 往返经济舱机票
  • Malaysia departure levy, airport tax, YQ fuel 马来西亚出境税、机场税、燃油附加费
  • Meals no state in itinerary. 行程中行程没有列明的午、晚餐
  • Tour Guide Tipping 司机兼导游小费 :RMB200 /人 (按人民币现付)
  • Sightseeing Car 景区电瓶车
  • China Visa ( If need to apply )中国签证 (如需要)
  • Travel Insurance 旅游保险
  • Hotel porter gratuity. 酒店行李员小费
  • Others personal expenditure are not mention in itinerary. 所有不在本行程之内的额外个人开支。
  • The sequence of the accommodation can be worked for these air flights Jetstar and TR airlines
  • 以上的住宿顺序捷星,酷航的航班都可以接待
  • Ocean Flower Island Castle Hotel (No triple room): For 3 person booking have to add RM350/pax to get 1 more room.
    海花岛欧堡酒店(无三人房):3人预订需加 RM350 /人才能多一间房。
  • Diver cum guide , additional tour guide add on RM550/ Pax
  • 独立导游需补 RM550/ Pax
  • Passport must have minimum 6 months validity above.
  • Additional surcharge : RM350/ pax for foreigner and non-chinese (Malay & India)
    额外附加费:外国人和非华人(马来人和印度)每人RM 350
  • China passport holder (can’t join)
  • The itinerary is for reference only and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance with local requirements.
  • All pictures are for illustration purposes only.
  • 1 adult & 1 child share a room, the child is the same price as an adult.
  • Full payment will be collected upon confirmation.

5D4N Discover Hainan's Wonders Tour Route

Currency & Exchange Rate 货币兑换率

10 CNY 元 = MYR 马币 6.70

Voltage & Power Socket 电压与插座

● Voltage 电压 – almost always 220 V 伏特
● 类型/ Type A – 两脚扁型插头/ 2 flat blade pin
● 类型/ Type B – 两脚扁型+一圆型插头/ 2 flat blade pin + 1 round pin
● 类型/ Type I – 八字扁型脚+接地孔 / 3 Oblique flat blade pin “V-shape”

Time Different 时差

China – No time different with Malaysia
中国 – 时间与马来西亚时间标准时无相差

Luggage Allowance 行李托运

Each individual are entitled to check in 1 luggage of not more than 20 kg and a hand carry bag not more than 7 kg.

Weather 气候

● Summer 夏季
1月 – 12月(Jan to Dec): 25℃ ~ 30℃

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

5 Days 4 Nights Hainan Experience – Ocean Flower Island Tour (SIC)

Contact Info

(1205544-W)(KPK/LN 8508)
No.78-01 (First Floor),
Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1,
Taman Sierra Perdana,
81750 Masai, Johor.
Tel : +6011-2608 0128
Email: [email protected]